Story of US - 52nd episode!

“This is between Ice and me, what right do you have to say he doesn’t love me?” Peace shouted as tears continued to fall non-stop. She could no longer control her emotions.

“Wind, let me talk to her on my own.” Ice pulled Wind back. Wind was standing in front of Ice as he said those cruel words to Peace.

“Dear, you are too soft on her. She would take a lifetime to get what you are trying to say!” Wind said as he stepped back.

“Ice, what did Wind just call you?” Peace was taken aback. She thought or she was hoping that she has heard the wrong thing.

“Peace, I'm sorry. One of the reasons why I said we are not suitable is because I found my true identity and realized my actual gender preferences. Throughout these six months, it was torturing for me whenever we quarreled. One night, I could take it no more. In the middle of the night, I went over to Wind's place. I poured out all my woes to him. When he took me in his arms and consoled me, my heart raced and my face was burning hot. It was a feeling I never had with anyone else. Not even when you and I kissed. Right there and then, I know Wind was the one I want to be with.”

“No, Ice. It's not that way! You were just being lonely. Wind was there to console you when you are feeling down after a quarrel with me. You felt sad because you cared for me. He just happened to be there and make you misunderstood the comfort as love. Ice, you can’t love him! He's a guy.”

“Peace, please do not doubt our feelings for each other. In actual fact, Wind has fallen for me before you do. He held back his feelings for fear that I would reject him in the face. I wouldn't deny if he had, I might really have rejected him. I do not want to be the stronger one anymore. I want to be taken care of and not to take care of someone else. I want to feel protected in the arms of my loved one and not to shelter my weaker counterpart in love. Wind can give me all that. Peace, you are a nice girl and I believe you can find someone who can truly love you. We can still be very good friends or who knows, even the best sisters.”

Hands in hands, Ice walked off with Wind, leaving Peace speechless. She stood by the lake for what seemed like hours. Heavy rain poured, Peace continued to stand where she was. She couldn’t remember what time it was and how did she finally make her way home. Peace was all drenched when she reached home. For the rest of the week, Peace missed school. She was down with fever and flu. Ice and Wind never visited her once.

Even when Peace went back to school, Ice and Wind never talked to her. On her side, Peace was avoiding them as possible as she could. End of year examinations results were out, Ice and Wind went into the same class when they got promoted to Secondary Three and Peace was in another class. It was sort of a relief for Peace. She does not hate them but she felt awkward and do not know how to face them.

And since they left Secondary School, they lost contact completely. However recently, when I was opening the mail box, I chanced upon a postcard sent from Australia. It was addressed to Peace; I was about to leave it on Peace's desk after seeing it was for her, but the sign off name caught my eyes. From your once upon a time best friends, Ice and Wind were the words. Just as I was hesitating whether to pass this to Peace, she sneaked up behind me.

In the postcard, they informed Peace that they got married in Australia. She really loved Ice a lot and she believed that given Ice’s soft character, it was Wind who influenced him. Peace kept thinking that Ice would one day return to her side and of course that never happens.”

“I thought these kind of things only happened in movies.” Veronica said.

“Yah. It certainly is hurting to a girl when her boyfriend runs out with another guy.” Emily added.

“Ted and Peace has been out for quite awhile. Shall we go look for them?” Renee asked with a worried look on her face.

“Hey folks! We are back.” Ted was holding Peace’s hands as they walked in.

“Woohoo!” The crowd clapped upon seeing them.

“Finally, everyone is happily attached with their other halves.” Jim exclaimed as he put his arms around Angie’s waist.

“Not really, Jim.” Fernando said as he looked in Ralph’s direction.

Everyone turned to look at Ralph.

“What’s wrong? I’m happy that every one of you is going to be blissful from this moment on. As for me, I’m deeply in love with Strauss Records and every bit of my music. That’s where I would put all my energy in.”

“Ok, we would let you off tonight.” Jim said.

“Naomi, when are you going back to Vienna?” Angie asked.

“Aunt Angie, I’m back here to bother you for one whole month!”

“You are most welcome, girl! Hartford’s Pub has been so quiet ever since you went Vienna to pursue your studies.”

“Everyone, listen up! I have an announcement to make.” Aaron spoke as he cleared his throat. “Agnes and I are getting married!”

“Hey, buddy! You didn’t mention a thing.” Ted punched Aaron in the chest.

“Even my parents do not know a thing, Ted.” Agnes smiled.

“Yes, that’s right. Why aren’t we informed before hand?” Jim questioned.

“Aaron proposed to me the night before James met an accident. With so much things going on, we just couldn’t find a good time to share the news. Since everyone is here tonight for a happy occasion, we thought we might just add on to the joy.”

“Honey, you heard that? Our daughter is getting married.” Angie hugged Jim as tears welled up in her eyes.

“Angie, Jim, congrats!” Renee said.

“Renee, shouldn’t we be congratulating Aaron and Agnes?” Fernando placed his hands on Renee’s shoulders and showed a warm smile.

“Have you decided on the venue? Our company has just started a new project. That is to hold solemnization ceremonies and wedding receptions in the nature.” Emily said. “The whole idea is still new and has not been fully published in the news yet. You can be the first couple to try out our package and I can see if I can get a special rate for you.”

“That sounds like a great idea!” Aaron said. “What do you think, Agnes?”

“I’m fine with it. Emily, we have to trouble you to help us find out more then.” Agnes replied.

“Testing. Mic, one two three four.” Ralph was on the stage setting up the microphone.

Everyone turned to face him.

“Sorry folks for the interruption. I hope what is going to happen next would not dampen everyone’s spirits tonight.” Ralph said as he took out a piece of paper from his shirt pocket. “A few days before Joy left us, she passed me two pieces of paper. One of it, I had given to Ted during Joy’s funeral. This paper that I’m holding on right now is the second piece. On it is a song Joy wrote. She wanted me to give this either to Ted or Agnes, be it whoever found their happiness first. The two of you were the most precious persons that she was worried about. Tonight, the two of you have found happiness; therefore I believe this is the best time to present Joy’s song to everyone present.”
I bet you must be dying to know how's the lyrics like! Guess what?? You have to hold on till tml b4 you get to see them! wahahah *lol* I'll be back to publish them! See ya!


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