The Ugly Truth abt CALLS.

You were on the phone talking. A small argument broke off during the conversation.
The girl said, "I don't wana talk to you anymore, don't call me!"
*slams* the phone hard on you. (If it was a normal home phone.)
Watever phone she's using, she just hanged ur call.

Guys do not think left & right, they think straight.
To most of us, we tot, "She said don't call her!".
Ok, we heard you. So, we chuck the phone somewhere & proceed to do our things.
We tot, "She's real mad now, let her cool down 1st. Meanwhile, let's do my own guy's stuff!"

On the other end, the gal is waiting. *tick tock* *tick tock* *tick tock* Time passes.
After a period of time, the gal calls the guy. (Diff gals wait for diff length of time b4 calling back)
When the guy answered the call, he's so gona have a HARD time.

"WHY DIDN'T YOU CALL ME?!" was the 1st thing the gal shouted into the phone.
In some serious cases, the gal might even cry. *wails* *wails* *wails*
In b/w sobs, u heard sth like, "U don't love me anymore! U weren't used 2b like tis? *blah* *blah* *blah*"

The guys start scratching their heads thinking, "What exactly happened? I'm merely following her instructions."

I learnt it the hard way too. So, here I am sharing with you guys & maybe my ladies readers wld like to enlighten us on these too.

Hey men! That sentence of the gal is COMPLETELY IRRELEVANT! Like all things alike, gals nv meant wat they said most of the times.

How do we decipher the meaning of "I don't wana talk to you anymore, don't call me!"?
It means, "I'm really ANGRY @ u right now! U ought to find ways to appease me! If not, you're so gona get it from me!"

Wat do you do then? *scratchs* ur head even more.

You thought, "If I call back, she might refuse to pick up or simply reject my calls."
However, if you don't try, I can tell tt you're so GONA get into DEEP SHIT!
Rule of thumb:- Call thrice with 2 mins break in b/w each call. (At least, u tried)
If she still don't pick ur call, sms her & apologize 1st. It doesn't matter who's right.
(We guys just hafta know it ourselves, tt's enuf.)
And if she's alrd ur other 1/2, never forget to add that, "I still love u." (anything along that line.)

Even if she don't reply immediately, it's perfectly fine. At least, I can tell u, u're 20-50% safe as she's prob also cool down 20-50%.

It doesn't end there & then. If u know where she is & it takes less than 25mins or so to reach where she is, buy her sth she might like & appear b4 her. (Be it lunch, a bear, flowers, etc - Go think urself lah!)

However, if it's impossible to reach the gal in SUPER SONIC speed or she's nt ur other 1/2 (yet), call her 15mins later after u sent the apology sms. I'll be praying for u that she has finally decided to ans ur call.

But wat if she still don't ans ur call?!
Final 2 sms-es to send; if the gal is still angry @ u after that, "Hey man! Get some dignity! Find a new gal lah! Y wld u want such a petty woman when u can get a PRETTY woman?!"

1) Sms her b4 her bedtime. This is the 2nd apology sms. Emphasize to her that u've reflected on the conversation u had earlier & know that it's ur fault, promise the same thing wun happen again.

2) Follow up with a 2nd sms the next morning. (Make sure u noe wat time she gets out of bed as u wldn't wana make her angry AGAIN by waking her up.) Tells her u cldn't slp the whole nite coz u were bothered that she was angry @ u. (Telling a white lie is ok @ times, even IF u were slping like a pig & drooling away as u dreamt of sexy ladies wearing leopard prints bikinis on the beach!)

Alternative to the 2nd sms, make a personal visit (only if the gal DO NOT haf phobias of ppl waiting @ her void deck) to her house with b'fast. Added points if it was make by u. (No matter hw yucky it tastes, I guez it wld still melt her heart.)

Hope these pointers serve you well but at the same time, I wish you bros out there would never need 2 use them. (Coz u wldn't like unnecessary arguments with the gals u like, don't u?)

All gals like guys to pacify them. And I think we were created to fulfill this NOBLE & IMPORTANT responsibility. Just take it, bros!

Now, after reading so many words, let friendly blog owner, Eagle Ivan entertains u with 2 cute cartoon clips which I found. (^^,)


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