I think, these are interesting.

This morning, as I was travelling to work, I saw an Audi A6 & a Toyota Vios "playing" chase on the KJE. ZROOM ZROOM! They overtake right infront of me, stupid drivers nearly scared the shit out of me.
I could see the Toyota Vios leading, I think the problem lies with the Audi driver lah. In afew seconds, I lost sight of them. However, it was not for long. My X1-R humbly & slowly bypass the 2 speeding cars. My speed was only 80km/hr then. Coz they were stopped by the morning peak hour jam. haha =P
Quoting my fave DJ's tagline, "不管你是辆跑车,或是一辆普通的轿车;遇到交通阻塞,你就是一辆不能动的车!" I really think it totally suits the case this morning!

See my humble ride!

I was still feeling moody & emo. I cldn't resist 苦笑 when I saw the horoscope section in Tuesday MyPaper.
My horoscope said, "对待感情不要抱着“报复”心态,不要因为对方对你不好,故意去做某一些事情挑战对方。"
Then there's this 小蒜头提醒:处女座最近会看见让你振奋的“希望之光”,只要朝着这股光芒前进,自然会找到你的春天。
Her horoscope said, "事业和感情方面,如果再不积极行动就会失去机会,或者将出现更难以应付的竞争对手。"
Wat an interesting coincidence. I always believe in horoscope and many times, wat they said seems to fit our situation perfectly.


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