Soulmate 靈魂伴侶


03/07/2021 :-
Age is not a determining factor in meeting the one - Soulmate
年齡不是遇見那個人的決定性因素 - 靈魂伴侶

She said, "Though we met each other at this age, we have the feeling that we met our soulmates. Age is not a determining factor in meeting the one. Ivan, good luck and do not give up!"

I believe everything happens for a reason.
Whoever appears before you is tasked to give you something.

She is 60 and he is 67 years old when they met.
They have been dating for 5 years for now.
Both of them feel they are each other's soulmates.

Thanks for the words of wisdom!
They truly come at the right time.

她說,“雖然我們這個年紀才遇到彼此,但我們有那種遇到靈魂伴侶的感覺。年齡不是遇見那個人的決定性因素。 家樂,祝你好運也不要放棄!”


他們相遇的時候,她 60 歲而他 67 歲。
至今為止,他們已相戀了 5 年。



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