Story of US - 6th episode!

Upon reaching Cupid Park, it started to drizzle. Angie and Jim ran to take shelter in the pavilion.
“Sorry for asking you to come with me. Now you are all drenched.” Jim sounds apologetic.

“Nah, it’s ok.” Angie said as she wiped herself dry with some tissue. “It’s rather cooling to sit in the pavilion and talk, isn’t it? Look at the lake and the ripples formed when the raindrops fall on the water. And listen to the sound made by the raindrops as they hit the roof, it produces beautiful rhythm.”

“You are certainly optimistic, aren’t you?” Jim said and started digging inside his shopping bag. He took out a small gift box and handed to Angie, “This is for you!”

Angie took over the gift, “What is it?”

“Open it up.”

“Oh! It’s the bracelet I was looking at just now! When did you get it?” Angie was surprised.

“When you were in the ladies.” Jim beamed.

“You shouldn’t have.”

“Angie, before you accept this gift, I have to let you know this bracelet comes with a condition.”

“You are starting to sound as cheeky as Frederick. What condition do you have?”

Seated opposite Angie, Jim held her hands and looked her in the eyes.

In a serious tone, he speaks, “Angie, now that we have graduated and I have saved enough, I am going to open my own pub. However, there’s something that I lacked.”

Jim paused.

Angie asked, “What is it?”

Softening his voice, Jim said, “A lady boss. Angie, words are not enough to express my love for you. I just want you to know that I really care a lot about you and hope I can be the one to stay beside you and take care of you for as long as I live. Can I put this bracelet on for you and make you my girlfriend?”

“What would you do if I say no?” Angie said as she pulled out her hands from Jim’s hold.

“I don’t know and I have never thought of that.” Said a disheartened Jim.

“Then you never have to know or think about that! Just put on the bracelet for me now.” Angie said with a delighted smile.

“You agree to be my girlfriend?” Jim burst out laughing. “I’m so happy! I promise I’ll give you the best I can and treat you well, Angie!”

“I know you would.”

Love filled the evening air as the sky continues raining.

“How you find the concert?” Frederick asked as he and Renee walked out of the concert hall.

“Great! It had always been my wish to watch Bartley Band’s live concert. I can never get enough of them.” Renee said as she stepped off the concrete pavement and was about to cross the road.

“Watch out!” A sports bike was speeding her way. In an instant, Frederick reached out to grab her hands and pulled her back onto the pedestrian walkway.

“Thank You!” Renee said as she got over her shock.

“That was dangerous! Remember to watch for vehicles the next time.” Frederick has a worried look on his face. “Let’s go for dinner now. Follow me.” Frederick said as he holds Renee’s hands and led her across the road.

Renee’s heart stops beating, her eyes blurred and time seemed to stand still for that few seconds when they were crossing the road.

Inside Renee’s mind, she was thinking, “My heart stops beating for a moment and raced the next. What’s going on? Why do I feel that way when Frederick held my hands? His hand felt so warm and I seem to enjoy that feeling. Secretly, I even wished he would not let go. Oh god! What’s wrong with me?”

“Renee, are you ok? Still not recovered from the shock? You look dazed.” Frederick said as he waves his hand in front of Renee.

Renee woke up from her thoughts, “Oh, I’m fine. Maybe because my energy is getting low as I merely had a salmon sandwich since this morning.”

“Then, let’s hurry over to that roadside stall for our dinner!” Frederick said as he quickens his pace.

After dinner, Frederick took a bus and accompanied Renee home. Two bus-stops before Renee’s home, Frederick pressed the bell and gestured for Renee to follow him. They alighted from the bus and Renee looked curious.

She asked, “We have not reached our stop yet, why did you get off?”

“Well, we had a very full dinner. So I thought we might do with some exercises. Let’s walk back to your house from here.”

“Ok, you are behaving kind of odd today.”

“What do you think Jim and Angie have been doing after we went our separate ways earlier on?” Frederick asked.

Shrugging her shoulders, Renee said, “Well, maybe to an art exhibition or the Harley Davidson showroom?”

“I don’t think so. Those places are too crowded and not suitable enough.”

“Suitable for?” Renee stopped in her pace.

You want to know what happened next, don't you? Come on back after 12am tml to find out!


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