
I chanced upon a blog today. Some deep thoughts came to me when I was reading the blog...

Alot of times, most people present an incident in such a way that it seems that they are correct. No one likes to be wrong, it's just how we deal with the mistakes we made. I bet most of you heard of the Chinese saying, 当局者迷. (The onlooker sees better than the chess player himself.) From this, I advise every1 of us to take a step back and see the whole scenario as an outsider. Maybe by doing this, light would shed on the matter making it easier to see.

Though everyone has different level of self-confidence, we have a mentality thinking that we are right. Yet, this mentality has another different level altogether. For me, I do not deny that this level of mentality for me is SUPERBY DUPER HIGH! Everything I do and everything that happened, the first thought that came to my mind was, "I am right in doing it this way. The other party is the person who's at fault." But how true can this be? Humans are not saints and I believe even saints can be wrong.

Maybe to allow ourselves accept our mistakes more willingly, we can think of it in this way. Instead of forcing ourselves to hit ourselves hard and say, "Yah, I was wrong.", we could tell ourselves, "I was right. BUT the reasoning from the other party sounds logical too." Who ever said when something happened, there had to be one wrong and one right entirely? We can have a situation where both parties could be right in their own ways. Common example would be a r/s; when a couple starts arguing, is there only 1 person who's right and the other is wrong? Not just couples, between family members & friends, you had those quarrels and fights. Think back on them and hope you understand my point here.

Well, last but not least, even if the other party is a complete stranger, YOU MAY STILL BE the person with a reasoning that's right in a level of righteous lower than the stranger. Put it bluntly, the stranger may be right instead of you.


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