Story of US - 27th episode!

The next day, Ted and Aaron had their basketball training as usual. When the training ended, Ted had wanted to speak to Aaron. After picking up his bag, Ted turned around to realize Aaron has already ran to the changing room.

“Hey Aaron! Can spare me a minute?” Ted caught Aaron just before Aaron stepped out of the changing room.

“Ok, but make it quick. I’m in a hurry.” Aaron answered as he looked at his watch.

“This Sunday, we would be having a birthday celebration for Uncle Jim at Hartford’s Pub. Joy asked me to invite you, would you be free?” Ted asked.

“Yup, Agnes told me about it and I’ll be there. If that’s all, I’ll see you tomorrow. Got to run.” Aaron hurried off, leaving Ted in daze.

Ted was walking to the main gate after he showered and changed out of his basketball jersey.

“Agnes? Told him about it? Something fishy is going on.” Ted scratched his head as he pondered over what Aaron just said.

“Ouch!” Joy shouted after Ted bumped right into her.

“Sorry, I was thinking about something.” Ted apologized. Upon lifting his head up, he saw Joy and James. “Oh, it’s you Joy. Hi James!”

“What were you thinking of that caused you not to look where you were going?” James asked.

“Where’s Agnes?” Ted asked.

“That girl, she always rushed off after training every time.” James asked.

“Have you told Aaron about the celebration?” Joy asked.

“Yes. Guess what?” Ted said with excitement in his eyes.

“What?” James and Joy asked.

“Aaron said Agnes has already told him about it and he would be going.” Ted exclaimed.

“HUH?” James and Joy’s jaws dropped opened.

“Something must be happening between them.” Ted said rubbing his chin.

“Definitely!” The Reynolds siblings answered.

***************************** (It means change of scene as suggested by reader Shannon.)

Sunday arrived; the Scarborough family except for Keane was at Hartford’s Pub. Renee was helping Angie with the preparation of the food. Fernando was having men talk with Jim while the kids were helping to decorate the pub.

“Piss.. James, Joy. I realized something.” Ted signaled for them to go over to the bar where he was standing.

“It’s not just two persons who looked suspicious. Look over there.” Ted said as he pointed over to where George and Naomi were.

“Maybe Naomi is the only one who George feels closer to? His only friend, your brother, Keane is not here. So he has to stick with Naomi.” Joy said.

“It’s not that simple. I have been observing them. They are whispering to each other and laughing out loud. Something must be going on between them too.” Said Ted.

“We would investigate that at a later time, Ted. Our main characters are the two over there.” James said, looking at the direction of Aaron and Agnes. “You know, this morning Agnes had already left the house when I woke up to go for my morning jog.”

“What’s wrong with that?” Ted asked.

“You don’t know Agnes.” Added Joy. “Mummy need more than alarm clocks to wake her up on Sunday mornings. Then when she came back, Aaron was with her!”

“Yes. They were smiling happily at each other when they walked in.” James said.

“What are the three of you doing? The rest are being busy and you are chatting around here.” Angie said as she walked out of the kitchen. “Ted, go in and see if your Mum needs help. Joy, help me to lay the table cloth. And James, go carry the bucket of orange juice out.”

“Yes, Madam!” the three split and get on with their tasks.

After the preparation work was completed, the feasting starts.

“Testing.” Ralph’s voice came over the loudspeaker. “Today is a special day for Uncle Jim. What you can’t miss to have on a birthday is a birthday cake. However, we cannot cut a cake without a birthday song. And today being Uncle Jim’s 50 year old birthday, we need to have something special. I have been playing the guitar and Naomi leads the birthday song all these while. I think I should take a break this time round. Of course, Naomi our Hartford’s Pub singer would still lead you in singing the birthday song. Let’s have George Blair, our new organist to play us the Happy Birthday song!”

“Me? Ralph, I’m not prepared for this.” George blushed.

“We have been playing this song a few times, George. I’m sure you can do it. Have confidence in yourself.” Naomi said as she held George’s hand and walked up the stage.

Taking over the microphone from Ralph, Naomi turned to George.

“George, relax. Just treat it as our normal lesson time.” Naomi encouraged George.

“Ok. I’ll do my best.” George replied and his fingers started moving swiftly on the keyboard, producing a nice Happy Birthday song.

“Woohoo! That was great, George!” cheered the crowd.

“Thanks for the support! All credits should go to my wonderful teacher, Naomi, if not I wouldn’t have been able to do it.” George bowed.

-------------------------------------(It means the end of an episode)


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