Birthday Photos! (25th Aug 2007)

It's a cooling Saturday. KA gang, celebrated my b'day for me over steamboat at my house. With them, it's always photo whoring time. A picture says a thousand words, b/w us we don't need much words. An sms sent occasionally, a gentle nod or an assuring smile bridges the gaps in between. Our memories captured in all the photos we took. (,")(".)

Look! It's the old kid's 24th b'day! =P


Never did they fail to present me with nice b'day cakes e'yr! =D

Can't wait to feast on it!

Before that, we need to do the usual stuff!

With Xueyun...

With Yaya...

With Sasa...

With Sok May...

With Little Genius...

And Little Princess...

My sisters whom I fought with since young... haha =P

Look what they've done!

Made me into Santa Claus!

Lazing around...

My presents!

She's an evil kid that night!

What on Earth is that?

That caused us to smile that wide?

The evil kid put stones & little balls of newspapers in the boxes!

Where's my cars?!

The search begins...

The clue for this is 嫁妆. Why the sewing machine? My beloved gma gave that to Mummy as her 嫁妆!

Found the 1st car!

Hello! Anyone inside?

The 2nd car found!

And my 3rd car got abducted by spaceships!

Found! Heez =P

The 4th car was found in a paper bag kept inside the evil kid's closet!

Finally, my 5th car was sitting under the trackmill!

My 5 cars with the clues to their hiding places!

This is from Yinxue. Very nice! Thanks girl!
Soon, more of us would start working lives. No worries, we would still catch up as much as we can! v(^_^)o


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