Story of US - 10th episode!

“Happy Birthday to You! Happy Birthday to You! Happy Birthday to Jim! Happy Birthday to You!”

It was a mini picnic birthday celebration for Jim at Cupid Park where the romance of the couples first started.

“Bud, what did Angie gave you as your 21st birthday gift? Her first time?” asked Frederick with a mischievous smile.

“I really would kill you Fred!” Jim pounced onto him.

“Hey hey! Cool it man! What were you thinking of? I mean did she make you a nice meal for the first time? You always bragged on how warm a home cook meal would be yet you only brought me home to try Aunt Wallace’s cooking thrice! Or had you brought her home to see her future mother-in-law.”

“Why are you always full of nonsense? Renee, I can’t believe how you can stand him.” Jim shook his head.

“Just like you did, Jim. Haven’t you been his buddy for so many years? You tolerated with him for a much longer period than I did.” Renee grinned.

“Are you folks just going to talk all day long? I’m famished!” Angie complained as she watched the commotion that went on.

“Wait a minute!” Frederick said as he stood up grinning from ear to ear. “I have a surprise for Jim!”

With a quizzical look, Jim asked, “What are you up to again, Fred?”

“WWWhhheee” Frederick whistled.

At that moment, in the car park that was some distance from where they were, Frederick’s butler, Uncle Danny got out and instructed two guys to unload a crate on the truck.

“Come on over, folks!” Frederick held Renee’s hands and led the rest towards Uncle Danny.

“Jim, this is your birthday present from me!” Frederick announced with a wide smile on his face. “Go on, open it!”

“You won’t be giving me such a huge jack in the box, I hope.” Jim said as he cautiously remove the big ribbon on the crate and proceed to open it.

As the sides of the crate fell onto the floor, Jim exclaimed, “Night Rod Special!!”

For a moment, he was rooted to the ground and all he could do was to stare wide-eyed at the Harley Davidson bike presented before him.

“Fred, you sure you bought this with your own money?” Angie asked curiously.

The group of them knew just how much money sense Frederick had. Though he came from a rich family, he spent all the pocket money he had.

“Well…I bought this. It’s like this; I told my brother that I want to give Jim the best present he would ever get. I said I would return him the money soon. He told me it’s okay and he can sponsor my thoughts.”

“Sponsor your thoughts?” Renee and Angie looked at each other.

“It means it’s my thoughts that matter most! He sponsors money to buy what I want to give Jim in my mind.”

“Fred, in that case, I don’t think I can accept this gift.” Jim said with a disappointed look.

“You sure can because you deserved it!” With his usual smile that warmed anyone heart, Fernando walked over to them.

Fernando is 3 years older than Frederick. They have very different characteristics. Fernando preferred indoor activities while Frederick preferred to be in the limelight. Fernando studied in Procter Uni and is titled National Top International Chess player. Since secondary school, Fernando had already been earning his keep. Fernando told his parents that he wanted to learn to be independent and understand the importance of money. Beside his school fees, he had been paying for everything he own when he was still studying in Martin’s JC. While working during his JC years, he managed to save up for his Uni school fees. Alot of people even their dad wondered how he managed to do that. The difference between Fernando and Frederick is just too great. On the other hand, having to lose their Mum at a young age and their Dad was always away on a business trip Fernando doted a lot on Frederick. He insisted that Frederick concentrate on his studies and he tried to give him the best that he could get. Fernando played the role of their parents in their absence; which is why Frederick respected him very much.

“Bro, it’s not time for you to come out yet! I haven’t had a chance to try and convince them still.” Frederick whined.

“Sorry, Freddie. I just thought you need my help in convincing them.” Fernando stroke Frederick’s head.

“Jim, how long have you been friends with Freddie?” Fernando asked.

“How long? Let me see. Ever since we were in Primary One, it had been 14 years. Wow that is long!” Jim replied in astonishment.

“Yah, I remember the 2 of you running away in our hall almost every day after school. For 14 years of friendship with Freddie, don’t you think you’re a friend of Scarborough Family?”

“Fernando, I am your family friend no doubt. However, this gift is too great for me to accept.” Jim said.

“Of course it isn’t. Simply because it’s for a special friend like you, accept it for Freddie and my sake, will you?” There’s a forceful determination in Fernando’s eyes. It’s not intimidating, instead it appeared friendly and sincere to Jim.

“In that case, I shall be obliged to accept it with my most sincere gratitude.” On Jim’s face shows the smile that couldn’t be suppressed.

“Hey! I must be your first pillion rider then!” Frederick exclaimed.

“Frederick, shouldn’t Angie be the first?” Renee said.

“So, it was Uncle Fernando who paid for the bike?” James blurted when Jim finished his story.

“We were brothers, it doesn’t really matter.” Fernando showed a warm smile.

“Ted seems so different from Uncle Frederick.” Agnes commented.

“Yah, I completely agree on that!” Angie laughed. “I’m sorry. I really couldn’t stand Frederick back then.”

“Well, he gets on people nerves most of the time especially Angie’s. I think their characters simply crashed.” Said Renee.

“It’s getting late now and I have finished with my story.” Jim stood up and stretched his backs. “So, it’s time to for you kids to get to bed.”

“Yup, we should take our leave too.” Fernando smiled.

The Reynolds family bided goodbye and the Scarborough family made their way home.


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