Story of US - 31st episode!

“What do you think you were doing?” Aaron asked as he pulled Agnes to the back alley.

“Merely slapping a slut who seduced my boyfriend!” Agnes shouted.

“How would the others think of me?” Aaron barked.

“You! You! You! It's all about you and your ego, right? When did you ever spare a thought for me? Do you care about how I feel?” Agnes sobbed.

“What’s wrong with you? It was just a game.” Aaron said.

“So French kissing with another girl is just a game? Maybe I should play the game of sleeping around with your basketball mates, yah?” Agnes challenged.

“Hey! It is two completely different issues.” Aaron rebuked.

“I would definitely like to know the difference!” Agnes was fuming.

“Why do we always have to end up in quarrels like that? I am sick and tired of it all!” Aaron shouted as he smashed his fists on the alley walls.

“Hey, cool it, pal!” Ted said as he walked out with Joy.

“Agnes, I think you better take a rest first. It had been a long day for you. The track and field training must be tough today, why don’t you go back in and take a shower first? Let Ted talks to Aaron, ok?” Joy held Agnes by the shoulders and led her into Hartford’s Pub.

“Aaron, I personally feel that you really went overboard with Veronica this time. To you, it may just be a Truth or Dare game. However, to Agnes or any other girls, their boyfriends belonged only to them. Yes, I don’t deny that Agnes shouldn’t have slapped Veronica. Frankly speaking, if Joy kissed another guy, I would have given that guy a good bash too. Agnes maybe rash at times, but she is still a kind person at heart. Think over it and talk to her when you have cooled down.” Ted patted on Aaron’s back.

“At times, I do wish I have a mind reader, Ted. Girls are such complicated animals. They can make me go head over heel over them and makes my head burst at the same time.” Aaron sighed.

Over in the girls’ room…
“Agnes, I know it is upsetting to see Aaron kissing another girl. To make matters worse, you are already drained out after a long day of training. However, we must respect our boyfriends’ ego even when we are jumping mad. Yes, he is definitely at fault for doing such a thing. Still, I think you shouldn’t have slapped Veronica and shouted at Aaron in front of his basketball mates. He is their captain after all.” Joy gave Agnes an assuring smile as she stroked her hair.

“Do you think I should apologize to Aaron then?” Agnes asked looking at her sister with her teary eyes.
Though being twins, Joy and Agnes have different characters. Agnes has a quick temper and no one else but Joy can persuade her at her most stubborn times. Maybe Joy holds the key to the lock in Agnes’ heart.

Just then, someone came knocking at the door.

“Girls, can we come in?” Ted asked.

“Aunt Angie needs our help in the kitchen, Joy.” Ted said as he held Joy’s hands and shoved Aaron towards Agnes with his other hand.
”Baby, I am sorry. I didn’t spare a thought for your feelings. I would try to be more sensitive in the future. Please forgive me, will you?” Aaron looked deeply into Agnes eyes as he spoke the words.

“I am at fault too. I should not have made a scene just now. Both of us are just too quick tempered. Darling, I love you!” Agnes buried herself in Aaron’s chest.
Tomorrow is the episode that features my reason of writing this story. It would marks the start of 1 of the peak moments in my story too. Just what is going to happen tml? Not trying to say that my story is good, maybe I'm just too emotional. My heart pinched and I teared a wee bit when I was writing tml episode some time back.
I never like shows which changed their endings just because the audience don't like it. Just because they want the viewership to be high, the endings are changed. We got to admit, even in life, not everyone gets a happy ending. Since I don't earn from my story readership, the ending would not be changed. It have to be that way or it'll defeats the whole purpose of me starting out on this story. Stay tuned! Prepare for a tissue or two, tml episode may not earn ur tears, maybe the next one. Or maybe never. =) Just hope my readers enjoy my story!


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