誰為陽光充電?Who recharges the sun?















我希望五十年以後 你還能在我左右
和你坐在搖椅裡 感受那夕陽的溫柔
聽微風輕輕地吹 聽河水慢慢地流
再聊聊從前日子 剛談戀愛的時候
原來一輩子 它真的很遙遠
抵達一輩子的時候 你已不在身邊
但我好想告訴你 你就是我最美的遭遇。

In life, we take many things for granted. But if we dig a little deeper, who sets these standards?

How long does it take to move on after a relationship ends? How long is it okay to grieve the loss of a loved one? How long should one hold on to their memory? Is it true that "boys shouldn't cry" and "men must be strong"? Does the length of heartache only depend on how long the relationship lasted?

I want to apologize to anyone I've ever told, "Time will heal everything." Because now I understand — time doesn’t heal anything. Every experience leaves a permanent mark on our lives, and it never fades.

I’m sharing this personal note for a few reasons — first, to give myself a space to let it out. Secondly, to let the friends and family who care about me know the feelings I haven’t voiced. Maybe some of you will find it entertaining, and perhaps those who’ve been through similar situations will find comfort in knowing you’re not alone. Most importantly, I hope my angel in heaven receives my thoughts.

On June 8, 2024, the woman I loved most in this life — my first love — left this world forever. When I heard the news, I couldn’t believe it. I knew I couldn’t face it alone, so I called a long-time buddy to come with me to the memorial. Bro, thank you for changing your plans and postponing dinner with your family to be by my side.

For the next few days, I made the same journey after work, rain or shine, to her memorial, just to be with her on this final leg of her journey. On the day of her funeral, the rain poured down, but no amount of rain could wash away the sorrow in my heart. As I watched her casket enter the crematorium, everyone broke down.

Friends and family offered their condolences and checked in on me, saying comforting things like, "Time will heal," and "Don’t be sad for too long; she wouldn’t want you to be like this."

I know these words came from a place of kindness, but at that moment, they felt like daggers. I didn’t have the strength to argue, but I appreciate their concern and support nonetheless.

For these 114 days, I haven’t been okay. Not even a little. The hardest part has been the sadness that can’t be expressed, where you can’t even cry. I still love my job, and seeing the kids genuinely makes me happy. I still enjoy spending time with friends and family. But when I’m alone, I let my guard down and fully immerse myself in grief.

Since breaking up with my first love, I’ve had two relationships and liked a few other women. But after she passed away, I finally understood: "In this life, no one else could ever take your place in my heart. You were the love of my life, showing me all the joys and sorrows of love. To have met you, loved you, lost you, and now mourn you — I have no regrets. From now on, I’ll spend my days remembering you, loving myself, and watching the clouds in the blue sky for both of us, until we meet again."

What does it feel like to lose you? I’ve asked myself this question over and over, and I finally have the answer — it’s like losing my soul, my heart shattered into pieces that can never be mended. A soulmate’s meaning is only understood when they’re gone, and you feel like your soul left with them.

Everyone has their own way of coping, and for me, it’s this. I’ve had Woodstock, who represents you, tattooed on my wrist — a constant reminder that you're always with me. Whether I’m eating, brushing my teeth, scrolling on my phone, or writing a song, your presence lingers in every moment.

In these 114 days, I’ve listened to countless songs that remind me of you. And now, all I want to say to you is:

"I hope, 50 years later, you’ll still be by my side,

Sitting on a rocking chair, feeling the warmth of the sunset.

We’ll listen to the gentle breeze, hear the river slowly flow,

And talk about the old days, back when we first fell in love.

A lifetime really is so far away,

But by the time I’ve lived mine, you won’t be there.

Beautiful stories always have an ending,

Mine was losing you.

But I want you to know, you were my most beautiful encounter."


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