Specially for Roan, my dearest cousin!

Monday, 30/05/2005 - 解铃还须系铃人!

I actually haf anor 语录 for 2day, bt b4 I cld blog, my cousin msged me. He seems troubled. So 2day I shall dedicate my 语录 for him. Bt I guess it wld be v.chim for him. So I shall try my best to explain it thru a story.

One day, a teacher brought a group of students to the zoo. They came to the lions enclosure. There was this particular lion wif a bell ard his neck. So, the teacher asked the students, any1 if given a chance dare to remove the bell on the lion's neck? No1 said anything. The teacher continue. Do any1 of u noe who can remove the bell den? Still, the students were quiet. Nw, the teacher replied, the 1 who tied the bell can remove the bell.

Haf u understood the story? It applies to our lives too. Anor simple e.g, when u fell dw bt u dun wana stand up, no1 can pull u up. U may said hw abt a kid tt fell? (Juz in case my lame cousin gona argue wif me..haha XD) Yes, the parents can pick him up, bt he can aso choose to fall back again. So wat's my 语录 trying to say? Our problems in lives belong to us, ppl can give u advice, as much as they can. Bt only u can do sth abt ur problems. Advice is said to fall on deaf ears if no actions r being done.

So, xiong, I can be ur advisor, a helpful bro, a gd listener whenever u nid some1. Bt in the end, u only haf urself to solve & change everything. All the best in becoming a better person according to ur own criteria!


X|oNg said…
geez..i understood this..my chinese teacher told me this oso when she knew i hav problems wif my love life..and she said the same things like u said to me..onli i can solve it, ppl can onli giv mi advice..i heed it..now i not sad or anything..but i'm changed now..i noe wad's the right time to think about studies and wad's the right time to think about her..XD i will slowly improve!=D oh ya..although i got the answer from her le.."i dun hav any feeling for u now" but i'm not sad at all..i'm happi..coz the question in my heart has been solved..although we cant be together, but we still best fren now..and i hope it wil be better next time..i will continue to wait de..XD btw..dun call mi kent siong>.< i prefer to be call roan or ken or xiong~ i dun like kent siong call together!>.< lol~
X|oNg said…
oh ya..forgot..u might ask mi y my teacher noe i having problems..coz she know i can do very well for my subjects, but i failed all so badly tat she noticed..tat's y she come ask me..and i told her my problems..to be honest..she was a great teacher! i really like her^^ she help me alot of times le but i dunno how to thanks her..so i thought of getting gd result to return favour..hee^^"

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