The art of talking..

Monday, 02/05/2005 -


My 语录 for 2day is frm wat happened 2day. Yu, ppl's frequency are different. Sometimes, 1 juz nid time to absorb wat the other party says & understand the real meaning. When some1 tells u sth, wldn't u wana truly understand wat he/she is trying to say? And b4 making a comment, do every1 of us really tink b4 we said it out? I admit I tried to, bt often than nt, I failed to do so. We're nt perfect, bt wldn't it be nice to mind our words, tink b4 we speak. It's nt a matter of GG (generation gap) & nt bcoz I can't take jokes. I noe jokes make conversations livelier. Bt at times, the same joke at diff time or for diff matter give diff impact to the person at the receiving end. Qi, I'm hurt by the word, "Idiot" juz as much as u're hurt by mum's words. Bt, I'd let the 'ger' dw whr she reaches her destination & nt carry her wif me. Wat am I toking abt rite? Wat ger? Let me share a story wif u ppl...

There was once an old monk out wif a young monk. When they reached a river, there was a lady wanting to cross the river. The old monk offered to carry her on his back & cross the river. When they reached the other side, he let the lady dw and carry on wif their journey. For the rest of the journey, the young monk seems bothered. So the old monk asked, "Y r u pulling a long face?" The young monk finally let out his unhappiness, "Master, u taught us 2b clean & haf no unclean thoughts. Bt u rush to offer carry the lady on ur back, hw can u do tt?" The old monk replied calmly, "I'd alrd let her dw at the river, y r u still carrying her?"

Haf u understood the story? It means, we nid to learn to put dw things where they shld remain. Dun carry them wif us, or u'll feel as unhappy as the young monk.


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