Love VS Lust?

WARNING : This may sound like R21 topic to some. Read at your own risk!

Have you ever lust after somebody?

Well, some time ago, my friends & I started a casual conversation abt LUST.

So, let's first take a look at what says about LOVE & LUST.

1) a profoundly tender, passionate affection for another person.

2) a feeling of warm personal attachment or deep affection, as for a parent, child, or friend.

3) sexual passion or desire.


1) intense sexual desire or appetite.

2) uncontrolled or illicit sexual desire or appetite; lecherousness.

3) to have intense sexual desire.

Do you understand what it's trying to say? Well, honestly, I don't quite get it fully.

But well, I have my own definitions of LOVE & LUST which I noe not hw to describe it thru words to my dear readers.

Anyway, I pondered over this issue & look back at the times when I was attracted to the different ladies who came into my life.

Among them, there are the ones whom I love & is willing to give them the best that I could. Just by being around with them & shower them with love, care & concern, seeing them smile is simply enough for me.

Then there are those whom I simply lust for them. (By my friend's definition : "You imagine how good they would be in bed & you wana have sex with them.") Yah, I have had sexual fantasies targets before. It's normal lah. haha *lol*

Last but not least, there're afew whom I love & wana make love with, imagining how good life would be to be able wake up beside them every morning for the rest of my life.

What about you? Among those people who you were once attracted to, was it love or lust you had for them? Be it the definitions of others or yourself, do think abt it all for the fun of it. =)

That brings me to another point.

Often you seen in shows or heard it from your own friends; ladies said, "He always say if I love him, I should have sex with him." And many foolish ones, (YES, VERY FOOLISH ONES) think that by giving her body to the guy, he would stick with her till the end.

Put it crudely, even if he sticks into you, it won't be for the whole night right? Something he enjoyed doing (having sex), he can't even keep to it for one night. What makes you think he would make this commitment (what most guys are most afraid of) of sticking with you till the end of your life & keep his promise?

I still feel that if a guy loves a gal, he would and should be willing to wait till they get married before engaging in sexual activities. It really shouldn't be the other way round; if a gal loves a guy, she should prove it by giving up her virginity.

Another night, I was out with anor group of friends & learnt "valuable" lessons from a LOVE guru who lives in the grey area of his dark world. (Yes, this is complicated coz it's an inside joke.)

What he said:-
1) "I'll love & take care of you for the rest of your life." This is a statement which can be said but not a commitment to be make.
2) "Go for attached girls. Coz u'll most prob only have one competitor (her bf) rather than single gals who may have tons of suitors."

Hmm. . . Is it time I reconsider my principle of NOT messing with ladies who are attached, engaged or married?

wahaha *lol* No, no, don't worry. My group of friends, esp the female ones would make sure I keep to my principle.


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