For the past 2 weeks, . . .

Yes, I've been lazy busy for the past few weeks after I finished my exams. That explains the irregular updates on my blog. Heez =P So, here I am to summarize what I've been doing for the past 2 weeks. =)

Celebrated Sasa's b'day on 24th June.

Qiqi baked nice cup cakes for her! =) Yummy-li-cious!
Sasa, HAPPY BIRTHDAY! May etg be smooth flowing for u! No matter wat happens & who u're wif, KA wld be here 2 support u till the end! B'coz u're the ANGEL of the gang! v(^_^)o
For more photos, check out my Facebook!

Our dearest Junfu is back to BP as Taiwan is having sch holidays now. So home we went for an Ohana BBQ to welcome him, celebrate Father's Day for Gpa & b'days for 5th aunt & Jun Feng. (My fave aunt & 1 of my fave cousins!)

Ohana BBQ at BP on 26th June 2010!
More photos 2b uploaded in FB when I have the spare time. =)

I love get together times like this!
However, as time goes by, every1 is pretty caught up with their own stuff.
We have more commitments & most of us discounted own family times just 2 fulfill other stuff.
I hope we can all sit down 2 ponder abt it b4 it's too late. =P
Watever it is, Ohana means family & family means no one gets left out or forgotten!

30th June 2010!

WHP Committee Lunch with ED!

Lunch was at West Coast Plaza (used to call Ginza Plaza) BBQ Chicken; recommended by Shirleen. The food's quite nice & reasonably priced, go try it out!

At night, it was another round of b'day celebration over dinner for zhuyi!
Specially arranged for Sy, yz + Karen as they can't join us the other time.
Sy came for dinner & left for home when it was time for us to go Lunar.
yz said her stomach was not too good, so skipped dinner with us.
But she came to join us at Lunar. Oh man!
Her outfit. . . *blood rush to certain body parts* How 2 even slp after seeing it?
She said it was lot of cloth le, bro Shi'an & I said, they're high & low @ the wrong places. haha *lol*
Karen couldn't join us as she was working OT. =(

Qiqi & her No.1 fan! =D

It was her last day before she goes for her 2 mths break, so I was there till her last set.
Bought advanced b'day prez for her & passed to her when she came out for her 1st set.
Then she wore it when she came out for her 2nd set & zhus family started making cat calls. haha =P
For the many times, zhus family "persuaded" & cheer me on into going to the front of the stage to pass her stuff & take her photos + videos, I think I attracted alot of attention that night. Not on purpose, of coz. I'm a low profile fan. haha *lol*
Coz darling left early, there wasn't any1 to "help" me talk to Qiqi when she knocked off, (plus the 2 who stayed behind wif me keep saying, "Don't say, hafta wait 2 mths le!") I went fwd & talk to her for the 1st time. (o^_^o)
Anyway, a BIG THANK YOU to my zhus for supporting Qiqi with me all these while! You folks truly rock!


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