The 8 Phases of Dating!

Shirleen forwarded a very cute email to me, hereby sharing with my dear readers!

Had a GOOD laugh?

You certainly should.
For those working 5days week, 1 MORE day to weekend for a good break! \(^_^)/

However, did the above cartoon clips provoke your thoughts like me? =P

Yes, this is supposed to be just for laugh & not to be taken too seriously. Yet, certain thoughts came into mind for a person who always tend to think too much.

If you've noticed, twice the couple gets together & become too comfortable with each other, they grew FAT! Does it mean most of us don't try to look good just after we have a partner?

Hmm. . . Maybe that could be one of the reasons why some couples broke off or end up in divorce. Though we said one shouldn't go for looks, we shouldn't let go of ourselves just because we're "secured" in LOVE either.

In fact, I feel that we should work TOGETHER hand in hand & strive to be better in terms of physical, emotional & spiritual. =) At the same time, encourage each other along the way & move towards a common goal.

Another thing that came to mind, twice the couple got together, they got sick of each other after some time & the same problem arises. As time passes & years go by, I've grown to realize/believe that if 2 person don't work out the first time, they most probably won't get along the second time after patching up either.

Of course, I do know of rare cases where a couple broke off & went separate ways then get to meet each other again after afew years. They start to know each other all over again & slowly fall back in love. Eventually, they got married & live happily ever after.

However, do note that it was after some time before they got back together. It may mean that during the few years of separation, things have changed & shaped the characters or personalities of one or both of them. What used to be an issue/problem between them, no longer exist, that's why now they're meant for each other.

Don't understand what I said? Well, say for example, a 27 year old guy has a 17 year old girlfriend. The guy has been working for afew years while the girl is still schooling. The guy knows what he wants & has his goals/targets to be achieved. He spend his weekdays at work, striving hard to achieve results through promotion & earn enough to plan for his future family.

He's only free on weekends for his girlfriend. But his girlfriend was still schooling & has more free time than he does. Perhaps, she was too young to understand what he was going through, she got fedup over her boyfriend's lack of time for her & asked for a breakup.

5years down the road, they met each other once again. The girl may have been working for one or two years by now, her thinking matured over the years as well. They started going out together as friends & slowly went into dating once more. Afew years later, they decided to settle down.

So you see my point? This is just one of the examples. Not every case is like this & not everyone gets to patch up with their ex & has a fairytale ending.

Saw this on my friend's facebook the other day, "An ex is call ex because it is an EXample of what you shouldn't have in future." I think it's pretty meaningful.

There are more than one RIGHT one for every of us. Yes, the current person may be the right one but things couldn't work out & you have to break off. Move on & if you were meant to be together, you would probably meet each other again at the next junction in life. Or you would most likely meet another right one just around the corner.

Life's too short to brood over a failed relationship. We are humans with emotions, it's perfectly alright to feel sad. BUT don't stay in the pit for too long. For someone who has been there & done that, I took 7 LONG years to get over someone. Looking back, I think this is INSANE.

My dear readers, don't waste your youth (if you're still young) or time (if you already don't have much time left before you're left on the shelf FOREVER) anymore. YOU deserve BETTER!

Love is all around & it's in the air, just take a DEEP breathe! (^o^)

Have you smell it? Nope? Well, the weather's pretty bad recently, I think you've caught a flu & is having a BLOCKED nose now. So, get yourself well enough for LOVE!

First, go get yourself plasters for that broken heart. You might just meet your next RIGHT one at the pharmacy! ♥(,")(".)♥


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