B'day in Aug or Sep?
Someone asked, "Why isn't your calendar out yet?"
So I said, "Most of them not yet cfm date with me leh! How to put?"
Then the reply, "But you put every year mah!"
I maybe forgetful at times, but I think I still remember I was born in Aug 1983. =P
But somehow this year, my b'day was "miraculously" pushed to Sep.
Of coz, it was 101% willing on my side. haha *lol*
Seriously, though it's the year of my fave number, 27 this year, I wasn't looking forward to it as much as I did for previous years. Maybe it's the catching up of old age? haha *lol*
So, here's the requested calendar:-
23rd Aug, Mon - Teachers' visiting!
As usual, I would visit them around this period each year. Just that, I shall break the news of something big to them this time. Oh man! Hope I can do it well. =P
27th Aug, Fri - A busy day. I'll be going around to update relevant authorities on my to be changed name.
3rd Sep, Fri - Celebration with the piggies at Lunar(tentatively*)!
(*That's provided Qiqi would be singing that night.)
4th - 6th Sep, Sat - Mon - Would be back in BP to send my cousin back to Taiwan to continue his overseas studies.
11th Sep, Sat - Celebration with KA Gang!
And I've 2 pending requests from Jie & Serene to leave a date for them. -_-" I tot usually u choose a date & I shall chope it for u? haha =P Now, it's the other way round?
So yah, that's about it for this year le.
I wish she would ask me out, it seems very unlikely though. . .