Shino's 五语伦比 CD + DVD!!!

This is the day!

Sometime ago, I pre-order Shino's CD not knowing what to expect. Today, this album is officially released in Taiwan!! Most prob, I'll receive my copy in a wk time? v(^_^)o So excited over its arrival!!

I doubt very few would bother to read the exact wordings that were extracted from the website promoting Shino's album.

So in case, anyone is interested to know what's the whole chunk of TRADITIONAL Chinese words is all abt. I shall do a summary for u & for my own keepsake. =)

In 2009, Golden Music Hits Awards, Shino said, "Pls give me a chance! I don't want to give up on music!"

Thereafter, she wrote an article on her blog seeking for "bosses" to pre-order her album. The company promises to produce this album only if she reaches a certain number of pre-orders. Obviously, she reached the target. If not, we won't be witnessing the release of it TODAY!

The 3 basic foundations this album is built on are; FAITH, HOPE & LOVE!

Action without FAITH is death, FAITH without action is also death. Because Shino holds FAITH & continue her prayers, this album is make possible.

Shakespeare once said, "HOPE - it supports life with its full force anytime & anywhere."

LOVE : It's the perfect energy between any 2 humans. When we learn to accept LOVE, we can truly give LOVE.

This album consists of songs of 5 diff languages; Mandarin, Cantonese, Japanese, English & Taiwanese.

Among these songs, there are 3 songs which hold special meaning to Shino.
1) 《总有一天》 - A song specially written by Shino's best friend, Lisa for Shino. (Lisa has just passed away before the recording of this album starts, that was quite an emotional period for Shino.)
2) 《烦》 - The 1st song which makes Shino famous back in 1998.
3) 《手太小》 - The 1st song which TOP the hits awards chart.

This voice is heard because it did not give in to weakness.
This album is produced successfully because it did not give up its persistent pursuit.

If you were once touched by her powerful rock or sentimental voice 10 years ago; today - 10 years ltr, pls applause for her strong will & braveness.


無與倫比的生命毅力! 信 望 愛 !



藉由一封坦承告白的網路信件(當我的老闆好嗎!?) , 史無前例的展開一次(Shino和她的歌兒們)先認購、後製作的計畫推動!所以… 她沒去買木炭:她轉向世界賣唱片!


可 十一 ~ 24

望: 莎士比亞說:希望,在任何時地都是支撐生命的安全力量。



帖前五 ~ 8


Shino已連續三年舉辦「純愛(Pure Love)」的全公益演唱活動,目的是提倡愛的心靈環保運動;讓愛也能回收、再生。




林前 十三 ~ 13


SHINO和她的歌兒們 音樂紀錄專輯… 「五語」倫比 紀錄這一夜,無與倫比的感動、情義、歡笑、淚水!

第一次 One-Night Stand (僅此一場) 的真實記錄和300粉絲在這一夜,用音樂產生的永恆關係。


這一夜Shino和她的哥兒們,在現場完整演出所有歌曲。應歌迷要求收錄由好友Lisa量身所寫的新歌《總有一天》。 重唱98’出道成名曲《煩》及首發創作排行榜冠軍曲《手太小》翻唱成長歲月中90’前的重大歌曲;橫跨五種語言真情至性的聲音演出。

包含中文:濃妝搖滾 - 藍心湄 、乘著風 - 黃大煒;粵語:漫步人生路 - 鄧麗君;日文:Love Love Love - 美夢成真DCT;英文:Desperado - Eagles;台語:你著忍耐 - 江蕙等歌曲。

特別在此次的專輯中,用文字抒情;勇敢面對自己的不完美,坦然寫出和歌曲間的真實情感。並加入對原唱者或歌曲創作人,和此次參與音樂演出的哥兒們(樂團夥伴)的側寫 ,以文字致意。




Shino林曉培 後搖滾時期 歡迎進入……


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