Jan's B'days!

It's a known fact that Ivan has tons of diff grps of frenz. B'day celebrations for frenz start in Jan & it's non-stop throughout the year.

In return, my b'day celebration usually takes a wk or so to be completed. Last yr - 2009, I return to sch & started taking nite classes. Back then, it was the longest stretch of b'day celebrations I had; a whole mth as I only have the wkends free for my frenz. I'm glad that they still bother to wait ard for their free days with me. =)

So, this year, I've decided to return alittle sth for my dear frenz who have been celebrating my b'day with me for years or even those who just started celebrating my b'day with me last year.

My b'day to me is an impt day. I survived the 50%-50% ops to live up to today, each day I thx Buddha for blessing me all these years. I thx my parents for sourcing high & low for the ops fees back then to keep my little life. With all these in mind, I told myself to live life to the fullest everyday.

To kick off the b'day celebration of the year. . .

It's my qing fu's b'day!!

This year is a slightly different one. She has officially left the "singles" shelf. We can't wait ard till her hse warming to "mess up" her own new home. So, we arrange a simple b'day dinner celebration at her new home! =)

The little gift I'm presenting this yr to those I'm thankful for all they've done for me.

B'day celebration for my 3rd wife - Dneh An!!!

Too bad, Agnes was on leave preparing for her new home. But, I think Dneh An still had a wonderful "surprise" from us! Oh, the cheese cake from Bengawan Solo is YUMMY-LI-CIOUS!!

The hand made pen for Dneh An!! =)

P/S: Every wife wld get one, ok? Nt b'coz u said wana show me "sth". *bleahs* =P


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