Christmas Gathering for the zhus!!

There're 12 days of Christmas; our Christmas gathering for the zhus still make it in time. =)
On the 1st day of 2010, we spent almost 9hrs tgt.

Eagle Ivan has alot of frenz, which by now most readers of this blog shld have known. I'm always extremely happy to meet up with frenz of all cliques at anytime, anywhere for any happy occasion.

I'm even SUPER DUPER HYPER when it comes to a full force gathering!

So the 26yr old turned to an instant 16yr old hyper kid once more with his best poly mates who has been thru the thick & thin with him since 9yrs+ ago.

Our group photo!!

Pressie presentation starts from the youngest. . .
P/S : She needs to start learning manners in giving presents so she can pass on gd traits to her little one who's arriving in afew mths time. haha *lol* (inside joke)

zhuying bought a mphosis belt for zhuyin!

Wat did zhuyin get for shadow?
Perfume? I didn't get 2c wat's in it, did I?
Or was it the effects of our lychee martini?
I dun rem a ting abt that prez. ~_~

Shadow presents a Domokun/Domukun & beer to Karen!

Karen bought some body shop's orangy foam for gu-niang!

Guess wat gu-niang gives to 16yr old boy?
Scroll down for the ans!

And I bought a 4Gb thumb drive for our big guy.
He said he happened to lose his recently.
P/S : For the key chain, I'll try to find 1 for u, ok? Heez =P

Last but not least, Principal Shi'an presents a "bursary" to mummy to be who has looks of a pri sch kid.
haha =P
It's a photo frame which got the grp of us debating over the color.

This is wat gu-niang gave me!!
3 more puzzles to add onto my bedroom's "Wall of FAME".
Wait till I get my frames! =P
Perhaps, I shall post a photo of my famous Wall of FAME once I'm done with these 3 additional puzzles. Heez \(^_^)/

Thanks to my zhus for your presence which make this gathering a success! The food + drinks, mj, jokes, pressies & all complete our gathering & start our Year 2010 with a BIG BANG! It's so gona be a GREAT year ahead for all of us.

And for our next Christmas, we have an extra gift to buy for little Francine! Zhus' 1st baby gal, the uncles & aunties "jie jies" are all so looking fwd to your arrival! Be a gd gal for now & let ur mummy has a smooth delivery, yah? Uncles & jies jies shall teach u how to play mj & dai dee the next time, ok? wahaha *lol*


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