Christmas Joy

I have very kpo erm I mean concerned readers who are very interested in my Christmas' happenings. They wana know what pressies I gave to others as well as wat pressies I've received this year since I've been telling almost each & every1 that tis yr is by far the year which I've given & rec'd the most pressies for Christmas.

So your friendly blog owner, Eagle Ivan who almost always fulfilled all ur wishes on his blog is presenting to you the photos of the WONDERFUL gifts I've given & rec'd so far. =)

The photo frames I made for Mummy, my wives & a "陪嫁丫环".
This was taken during the drying process, did some touch up & inserted the photos after that.
But I was so tired to take photos of the finished products when I'm finally done with them @ 1am+.

For my KA daughters!!
Now den I realize the meaning of "有其父必有其女" aka "Like father, like daughter".
My gluttons daughters upon receiving their gifts, exclaimed, "Ey, I can put my candies & chocolates in this!"

For the Christmas exchange, I've picked yx.
When I went to check out her room during her b'day, I scanned the whole area.
I realized she didn't have a desktop lamp, so I got one for her. =)

Princess perfume for Reiko & Ben 10 toy for Bei Bei!

Small aunt started using perfume & has a little complaint (tt's a secret b/w the 2 of us) to me on some perfume's issue, so I got a set for her this Christmas!
P/S: The secret is nt b'coz she has BO lah, in case I spoilt her image here.

We actually picked each other for the Christmas exchange!

Small aunt gave me this tee & it's 1 size smaller than wat I usually wear.
I think most of my family members & friends wishes for this Christmas is for Ivan to drop one size.

Okay, since I usually grant ppl their wishes & I've received afew tees which are 1 size smaller this year, I shall work hard to down 1 size by next Christmas, ok? =P

Car seat covers - anor set of Chip n Dale's pressie!!

Any kind soul wana complete it with other Chip n Dale's car decos?

Did I mention earlier that I'm an eater/glutton?
My gang @ work on 1 hand feel that I shld go on a diet, on the other hand, they're stocking up my mini pantry @ work!

Hand held fan from Pauline for those HOT WHP activities! =)

Converse tee from Agnes for WHP activities!
Yes, this is 1 of the tee which is 1 size smaller.

In case you've not heard abt it: YES, Eagle Ivan has gone back to sch for part time studies.
So, Agnes being very Mummy style, got me a new pencil case!
The current one I'm using has served me well for 9yrs though.

Diane's Christmas gift for the WHATEVER guy.
haha *lol*

Next up, Veneta picked me for Christmas exchange & she got the Chip n Dale's towel for me + a WHATEVER push pin fridge magnet.
Upon seeing this, our dearest Agnes asked, "Chipmunks alway say whatever meh?"
That was really funny.

Shirleen's Christmas gift - Chip n Dale's notebook for me!!
She said it seems kiddish but no worries, nth's abt Chip n Dale tt's too kiddish for ME!

KA Gang's Christmas gifts to BKA papa!!

YX got this tee for me.
I've not tried but I hope it's not 1 size smaller.

Christmas gifts from Sasa! =)
Photo frame has a photo of all my daughters w/o me & Sasa said that's for me to see & think of all his daughters. haha =P

From Maymay!
I actually got a Chip n Dale towel as well.
But coz Sasa got 2 Tigger's towels from both KAs, we exchanged with each other.

This was from xy!
Too bad, she came to pass us the pressies & went home after that as she was not feeling well.

Shampoo & body foam from Yaya - She said we can bring these for holidays as it's a travel pack!
That's so thoughtful! =)

Mini Disco Apple Speaker from Shannon!
She picked me for the Christmas exchange.
I've wanted to buy this for 1 of my Christmas exchange & now I've got 1 for myself!
This apple speaker is small but POWERFUL!
It changes lights & u can just carry it as a key chain.
Love it!!

Shannon has creative brain juices, she has alrd make quite alot of arty works for us.
This is 1 of her 2009 Christmas gifts to all KA!
Qiqi said, "You've got Shannon's virus in making art."

Last but not least, a card from someone who loves hand written cards of all times - Qiqi!
The badge, though you can't see clearly wat's on it; it's pretty!
Let me try my best to describe, it's a collar badge SPECIALLY designed by Qiqi.
It has a snowman on it & the wordings, "Merry Christmas 2009" + a sign off by Huiqi & a little girl she always draw to symbolise her.

I love all the gifts received coz they were brought/made with special thoughts from the hearts. My Christmas was very well spent with family & friends, hope yours were equally GREAT!

It's a new year bringing along new challenges, hopes & blessings. Let's embrace the start of 2010 with fun & laughter, peace & joy! With positive thinking, we attract positive happenings, so keep a positive mindset no matter how tough life seems to be.

If all else fails, come visit Eagle Ivan's blog which only brings you the good stuff almost 95% of the times. If you know me personally, just call/text me whenever you need someone. I'm always here for you. v(^_^)o


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