My 26th B'day Celebration with KA Gang!!

Last Sat, I had a b'day celebration with 1 of my fave group of ppl & I brought them to 1 of my fave hangout place! Yeah! You got it! Dome @ Dempsey!

xy packed some of her mum home cooked longevity noodles(寿面) for me!
(Of coz her mum nv cook specially for me de lah.)

Happy folks @ Dome! (^^,)

Den we went Shokudo @ Heeren to wait for Sasa to KO.

And it's HOME SWEET HOME for the home made b'day cake by Qiqi!!

Ice-Cream cake! Wohoo!
Super chocolatey! I love! v(^_^)o


In year 2007, it was treasure hunt for my b'day gifts.
This year, my wives did that to me. -_-"
Last year, KA bought a whole set of Disney Collection Tomy Cars for me!

This year, KA prepared an "exam paper" for me to complete b4 I can receive my gifts.
I tot exams already over. . .

While I struggled with the qns. . .

I was being galloped on.

And trampled all over. . .

As I unwrapped the gifts. . .

Oh! Wat's that wide smile for?

My Mickey Tomy Car was swapped with Shannon's clay Tomy Car!

I've got to praise my little sis for her handicraft!
Cute right? She was still making this when Qi woke up @ 7am in the morning.
Arigato, my dear! Simply loving it!

With all my Tomy Cars gifters!

I grumpled make a little comment that I never receive a single Tomy Car for b'day this year. And Qiqi informed everyone of them to get me one when they already bought a hard disk for me as per my request! Though they always "bullied" me, they always bring lots of laughter into my life. There are always excitement & surprises from them on my b'day every year & I was never disappointed once.

All my WONDERFUL gifts for the bunch of SWEET gers!

yx specially make this 小饭团 hp chain for me!
Nice, isn't it?

Thanks for everything, my dear daughters! Super HAPPY & extremely touched! Papa shall return you a treat when I strike lottery, ok? Let's continue to pray hard!! =)


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