Cover it up or bare it all?

Some ppl are very open with sharing their lives on virtual world while others keep their profiles low.

Which are you?

Well, for me, I think on a grade of 10, 1 being the lowest profile & 10 being the highest, I shld be on 6.5. So, maybe to a certain extent, I'm sharing too much with you readers? haha =P

1 of my wives said I'm an attention seeker, but I don't think I am. (or only I don't think sho?)

Things I feel that I do not need to be secretive abt, I don't mind sharing. It's just like how I usually tell most people, just as long as u dare to ask me any questions(burning ones?) you have, 95% of the times, I'll tell u nth but the truth.

You know ppl are noticing you or keeping tabs of your life when they started asking questions or make little comments about the stuff u wrote in the virtual world.

Simple things like the random conversations b/w my god-ma & I. . .

2 persons came to ask abt 2 topics which I guessed was related to wat they saw in Facebook(above) or mb others saw & told them bits & pieces, den rumors start to spread like wide fire? (Read : Rumors - Usually 85% NOT TRUE.)

Guy A, "Ivan, I heard u're resigning? Is that true?"

I was really shocked at first. haha =P I still love my job as much though there're times when I get pretty stressed up. But, tell me, which jobs aren't stress? Even being a house husband or a 小白脸 has his own stress, ok?

On anor day, lady B made a comment, "U're single meh? I always tot u're attached!"

That really cracks me up. Mb that explains y she always try to hook others up or introduce girls to other guy friends of mine but never me? wahaha *lol*

It's interesting to see how ppl react to the different stuff u wrote online. The truth of the contents only we know best. However, you can't help but feel amused by the imagination/creativity of the readers. =)

I can only say, I choose to believe I have WONDERFUL readers. v(^_^)o

Keep your comments coming! Good or bad, bring it on!


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