The day my mistress got married!

Now, we are 名副其实的情妇与情夫!

My dear mistress finally got married after 7 years of being in a relationship with her bf. This woman always play her cards to no fix set of rules. You can tell that when she told you it was her who proposed to her bf.

She gave us lots of stunts throughout the 13years of friendship. As our 老大姐,it's nt easy. And she certainly lives up to her name for it, do u think any1 of us would STRONGLY go against her ideas MOST of the times? We usually don't.

It's either some of us are really afraid of her (like tyl) or simply love & respect her to give in to her ALL the time. (Like her 情夫 who's simply the BEST!) wahaha *lol*

Anyway, my dearest 情妇, I'm sure he'll take very good care of you & u'll be v.blissful with him. 不要让我白白放弃对你的爱哦!一定要幸福美满地过下半辈子!


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