Eagle's virgin trip to Lunar & he's so LOVING it!!

Piggies have planned to celebrate Aug babies' b'day last Fri @ this Jap Italian Restaurant, Saizeriya in Liang Court. Yz was ATTRACTED to the word, "dirt-cheap" as per described by Shi'an. However, turn up rate was not 100% & the Aug babies think they have a BIGGER appetite for b'day celebration than this, we've decided to re-schedule our celebration! v(^_^)o


Our side dishes & the 2 plates of spaghetti which 1.5 plates of it ended up in my stomach.
Al b'coz Yz wasn't feeling well & she thinks her seafood pasta tastes WEIRD.

The sausage is GOOD!
Didn't try the pizza coz it's beef. Shi'an had the grilled chicken.

The babes of the night!

With the hunks for the night!

Upon reaching Lunar.

Before Ivan unwillingly leaves Lunar, his piggies & Qiqi for home!

Darling zhuyin has been asking us to join her current fave hangout place, Lunar. It was never successful. At first, I was hesitating as I thought it would be like DF, which I don't quite like. BUT, now that I've been there once & the rest could really see how in LOVE I am with the place or rather with ____, I think I might offer to acc darling there again. wahaha *lol*

The female lead singer, Qiqi gives me a STRONG feel like how Shino sends shivers down my spine. But Qiqi gives me a better feeling when she sings than speaks. Though I still love my Shino MORE!! (^^,)

In case, my dear readers have no idea; I'm always attracted towards girls who can sing well & Shino belongs to my dream gal type. U noe hw we like to ask our friends, if u can pick a celebrity as your bf/gf, who wld u choose? Yes, Shino! She's the ONE!


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