NDP 2008!

It's the time of the year!
9th August 2008 - Singapore celebrates her 43rd birthday!
I'm always very excited about this day.
Not because I'm patriotic, but after Singapore celebrates her b'day, mine wld be here shortly! =)

Click on image to view events for NDP08.

Fireworks - 1 of Singaporeans' fave.
(Can't blame them, they're nt as lucky as my family who gets to play with fireworks e'yr.)

If you are looking for a nice place to view fireworks or to fill your stomach before heading for NDP, I would suggest you go to Rocky Master at Marina Square.
Coz my dearest cousin, Xiong is working there!
(His colleagues know him as Ken.)
Excellent service & yummy food @ affordable prices!
Xiong, if my friends go & tell u they're my friends, can give discounts?
haha =P
Rocky Master is beside Subway, the same level as the HK Cafe; use escalator outside Bods to go down and turn left, then walk to the end.

Click on these 2 pics to enter SDC's website.

Coz I love my workplace, so need to help advertise abit. =)
Come visit SDC @ $4.30 on 09 Aug 2008!
There are limited edition goodies bags for the 1st 1,000 visitors!

*P/S: Entry is post-dated, the time this entry is published is the time my F.I.R's concert starts! Though I didn't get to win the tixs from Yes 93.3, my Grade A friend got a free pair from her ex-colleagues! Heez =P


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