25th Birthday Celebration with Grade A friend!

2nd celebration for my 25th birthday!
JB shopping spree with Grade A friend.
1st stop was @ Jusco.

At 10am, there wasn't much choices & she has a craving for Pizza Hut.
So, off we go.

A cup of coffee to perk up Uncle Ivan's day! =)

Early in the morning, take cold drinks!

Spicy wings!

Deli wings!
They looked malnutrition.

Her personal pan of Hawaiian Supreme Pizza.

My chix bolognese spaghetti!

Saw this HUGH Jacob biscuit @ the Jacob's fair.

Now, for a close-up!
It's real biscuit.

Went Old Town to rest our feet...

And this notti ger take soft drinks again.

My iced coffee. =)

Off we headed to City Square for our 2nd stop.
She went Mango to get a top.

The bag is not the lead.

It's the sweet! =P

Treated her to Baskin Robbins.

She loves it though it hurts her gum.
She should use Sensodyne!

Dinner was at Wong Kok Char Chan Teng!
Yes, my fave! =D

The sausage with fruit salad.

Her 干捞面.

I forgot the full name.
It's ham & sausage sth. haha =P

It's yummy!

This is my fave too!
Ice chocolate milk shake!

My 战利品!
All except the Adidas bag was paid for by Grade A friend!
(^^,) My heart felt thanks to you!

She finally managed to convince me that the same number can be 2 different Tomy cars!
I think, I must take photos of all my cars & bring them out the next time. *_*

Adidas - Official brand for Beijing 2008!

Before, we end this post...
Let Eagle Ivan shows you the latest IN way to wear a shirt.
Yes, fold 1 side of the sleeve & u'll look as handsome as the model above. =)


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