The LONG overdue photos!

On 13th July 2008, we celebrated TYL's 25th Birthday!
As the perfectionist I am, I refused to blog till I've got the full set of photos.
So, let's see what we've done the other day.
Here we go! (^^,)

Blue sky, white clouds & green grass!
The perfect scenery to me. =)

Other than the 15 mins drizzle, the weather was still quite good throughout.

Outside Old Town.

At the jetty.

Don't this photo reminds you of a nice holiday by the beach?

The nice peaceful evening sky.

To Old Town to settle our lunch.

Couldn't resist ordering Maggi. Heez =P

The nice drinks.

TYL's 1/2-boiled eggs.

French Toast with peanut butter in b/w.
Some like it, some prefer w/o the peanut butter.
To me, I'm fine with it. =)

I don't rem wat's this.

Nasi Lemak.

The 爱人s!

This was when we took shelter during the 15mins drizzle.

How could we go ECP without cycling?

Pit stop - we just finished our ice-cream for energy replenishment.

See that grouchy look?
She was tortured by us for asking her to cycle for 2hrs.
wahaha *lol*
Hey! That's wat gd frenz are for, ok?
Cycling is good for health!

Finally, Chocolate Lover came.
She felt so happy that we took turns to take photos with her.
haha =P

The Libras!

The Chocolate Lovers!

I think their r/s is 母女。
(We have complicated r/s, so we tend to forget hw are we related at times.)

The YANs couple who always bicker.

The sunglasses' babes!



The sunglasses' hunk - The dearest blog owner, Eagle Ivan!
wahaha *lol*

Proceed to C.Nai Hong Kong Cafe to fill our famished stomach!

With our all-time favourite VIP!

The scandal pair!

The youngest four in 5G1U! =)

Family Photo.

Here's presenting the youngest & the oldest young!

Finally the food was served!
I forgot most of the dishes' names.
So folks, just make do with the photos, ok? Heez =P

My chix chop!

Our drinks + polo buns!




Carrot cake!

Cynthia's & Rochelle's!

Yam Paste!

At the end of the day...

Though tired, WE ARE HAPPY!

The youngest duos!
(Contradicting - The only 2 who's married in the group.)



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