It's a WONDERFUL day!

Ferraris selling at all 7-11!

Mum got these for me! =)
There's 21 pcs, we only managed to get 15, gona source for the remaining 6.
Qi said I "rob" Mum, so hurt. ='(
Coz these cars are available @ $3.90 each with min $5 purchase.
But that day, I merely said, "7-11 is selling Ferrari Cars @ $3.90 each with min $5 purchase. Total 21 cars would cost at least $186.90, very expensive."
Then afew hrs later, Mum called her friend working @ Shell(now u can find 7-11 in most Shell petrol stn) to help her keep aside 1 car per model.
These are gona be my most expensive b'day gifts this yr! =D
Thanks, Mum!

Jie got this for 3.5 siblings!

Mini packs!

Elephant water dispenser Jie got from her company last yr.
Still wrapped in original packaging, coz she has no use for it.
I became the proud owner! =)

Jie's colleagues said "Pathology" is a great show & recommended for watching.
As it's R21, Xiong who wanted to watch with us badly could not join.
Coz Jie's a civil servant & I'm wking in a semi govt co, so we must 奉公守法.
Cannot bring underage kids to watch R21 show. =P
Anyway, the storyline is nice.
It was a gross show as expected, but I love it!
P/S: zhuyi, u shld go watch if u're free too!
The only downside for me is, THERE ARE NO SUBTITLES!
*faints* difficult to catch wat they're talking abt, especially the medical terms.

1/2-way thru the movies, I sudd rem I left my cashcard in my bike's IU!
I was thinking, "It would surely be gone by the time I go back."
And guess what?

I found this in the cover of my IU!

Some nice folk(s) removed my cashcard & placed it under the seat.
I was lucky no1 saw the note & I managed to keep my cashcard! =)
God bless the nice person(s) who did that!
And thanks to who or whatever are blessing me.
P/S: Being a lunar 7th mth baby, I've realized I wld be slightly luckier during 7th mth than any other mths each year.

After the show, acc Jie to Orchard NPC to change her I/C add.
And we saw this!

Authentic siaz! =D

Jie said, "During my school days, my friends & I used to press afew buttons tgt & the machine wld mix the drinks tgt in a cup."
So, I decided to try & I press Coke + Grape + Zappel.
It works! =)


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