美女为何嫁不出去 - Why aren't pretty girls getting married?

This is another interesting article I read from MyPaper 我报。I shall post the exact Chinese article and try to translate it for my English speaking readers. =)

我报 生活版 2008年4月8日 星期二
我们几个女人最爱八卦,每天午餐,几乎有一半的时间用来gossip。那天,May说,通常美女不愁没人追,可是我们财务部的主管朱美美为什么嫁不出去。Ms Shenton我回去后想了很久,或许可以归纳为以下几个原因。





Basically, the writer of this article analyse the reason why pretty girls aren't getting married. After deep thoughts, she came up with 4 reasons.

Psychological Barrier
First, pretty women feel great about themselves in every way. Being so, they always feel that only they are choosing their suitors and never the other way round. Therefore, they take their time picking the right one. However, as they're taking their own time, men would start to feel that these pretty women are playing hard to get or are having afew boyfriends at a time. In the end, men got sick of waiting, lost confidence and patience, then decided to marry ordinary women. That's how pretty women lost their good valuable men. As time goes by and youth won't wait, pretty women find it harder to find the right one among those guys around them. Often, pretty women got to realize it too late.

Overly high expectations
Having high expectations let pretty women bumped into cheaters at times. Pretty women normally don't take proper look at honest realiable guys around them. They dream of meeting their prince charming one day. They waited and waited, seasons passed, yet their prince charming never came. Or, they finally met their prince charming. Good dreams never last. In time to come, they realized that these prince charmings are just plain cheaters. Time after time, pretty women bumped into these cheaters, they started to lose hope in love. However, they find it hard to lower their expectations. Often, they end up not being able to find their right one and therefore stayed single.

Enjoying singlehood
Every women love the feeling of being courted. Pretty women are no exception. And they know they as long as they don't get married, they possess greater value. Therefore, pretty women choose to stay in the game of courtship, enjoying the attention of many suitors at any one time. They had countless dates & numerous suitors at their feet. Seeing these, men who truly love these pretty women might just end up watching in a corner at these women enjying their game. Slowly, these men come to realize that maybe these pretty women just want to be in this courtship game and know nothing of true love, they stayed away from the pretty women. When these pretty women had enough fun with their game and want to settle down, they then realized those suitors merely treated them as lovers. None has the intention of marrying them.

Meeting bad guys
Last but not least, some women simply have the soft spot for bad guys. Pretty women love bad guys, alot of us heard of that. Though these pretty women wanted someone to settle down with, bad guys merely want sex. Once bad guys get what they want, these pretty women hold no more value to them. After suffering blows like that, pretty women lost all faith in the path of love.


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