My point of views...

This article may stirs your emotions and even cause frustration.
Not suitable for the weak heart.
Should you consider to read at your own risk, the blogger has absolutely no obligations regardless of what happened to individual readers.
Continue, curious cats! But remember, curiosity kills the cat!

I MAY not always get what I want, but I'll KEEP insisting what I want.
I'll let you speak your mind while I filter out what I DISLIKE to hear.
The choices that most people made at cross junctions are NOT always RIGHT; at times, these choices were made coz they may just be the EASIEST way out for most.
And it may just mean lesser or even NO RESPONSIBILITIES to be bear by making these choices.
Often, I do things DIFFERENT from people and have my own way of thinking.
You may say I'm stubborn, I choose to believe I was born to be different.
Personally, I know I have difficulties breaking ice & talking to strangers or take initiative to make new friends or talk to new colleagues.
However, it's only till now then I realized I have difficulties letting people UNDERSTAND what I mean.
Even when I stated STRAIGHT to the point and I really thought I have make it CLEAR.
Everyone has a CHOICE to think what they want.
Treat something as a PHASE that will gets by itself or someone just being UNREASONABLE/CHILDISH and is angry at something some people think is NO BIG DEAL!
Well, all these are the choices people are FREE to make.
No one stopping anyone or saying that it's wrong.
Big deal or not, who's to JUDGE?
Losing a $10 note to 'A' may be no big deal, but dropping a 10cent coin into a drain may caused 'B' to have a heartache the whole day.
So, who has the rights to tell someone, "Why are you ANGRY over such a TRIVAL matter?"
Are YOU the ANGRY one? How much do YOU know about the angry person's FEELINGS exactly?
You may be angry at something/someone else over a matter that's trival to the person who's angry right now.
Yet, to you that matter is A BIG DEAL!
I always believe EXCUSES and reasons are just different by 1 fine line.
That fine line is less than 1mm thin.
At the same time, excuses and reasons can be like 2 sides of a coin.
To some people, they see a statement as an excuse while others see it as a reason just like different people seeing head & tail of a coin.
In reality, no one is PERFECT.
However, in everyone's own little world of theirs, they can be perfect if they let themselves be.
Just like how different people set standards for their right ones.
Anyone who matches their standards would be the PERFECT match for them.
So, if you set a standard of how a PERFECT person should be to how you already are; then wouldn't you be a PERFECT person in your own world?
Btw, in real life, I'm no one. =P

Ok, I guess that's about all I can think of now.
Hopefully, I need not waste 1 blog entry to vent my frustrations anymore.
I have never meant to shoot arrows at anyone whenever I'm not happy; that's why I normally don't name people.
However, individuals can feel free to relate themselves to what I blogged here.
Just don't hold me responsible.
Coz, this is MY BLOG and I'm free to write what I want as long as I don't violate the laws guarding the safety & proper use of the internet.

P/S: Sorry if I spoilt the mood of some readers who were looking forward to enjoying their weekends. Just cast this article in your brain rubbish bin after you read it. Weekends are meant to be enjoyed! (^^,)


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