Bukit Timah Nature Reserve!

Serene said she wanted to go somewhere near to nature.
So last Sat, we went to Bukit Timah Nature Reserve!
It's my 1st time there. =)
Quite a nice experience I would say.

The sua kus!

Know who greeted us when we first reached?

My friends!

I got excited & took photos non-stop.
Yes, I just can't resist monkeys!
Esp when I'm at the Zoo, I can stay @ primates kingdom for hours!

He posed for me! =)

This cheeky fellow just stolen some food from the dustbin.

See the baby monkey clinging to its mum?
So cute! (^_^)

You'll get fined $500 for feeding the monkeys.

Rules to note.

Rule No. 1
Do not pick, break or remove anything from the Nature Reserves.

Rule No. 2
Silence is Golden!
This is very impt, coz it's irritating to have a grp of ppl making a whole hell of noise!
When all u want is to enjoy peace in the nice nature environment.
The unlucky us bumped into 2 such groups!
Irritants! *argh*

What do you think?
It's a forest mah.
We didn't spot any though. =)

We did see a purple butterfly!
It's beautiful!
But it's too fast for our camera. =(

The other signs we spotted.

Opposite this sign, we saw a live example.


They have huts for you to rest in!
Kruing Hut is just one of them.

At the Rock Path.

Spider in its web hanging in mid air! =)

Someone said this is lingzhi.
I have no idea...

See the bent/curved branch?

I find these little plants quite nice. =)

And I nearly step on this centipede!
Too small for me to notice le. =P

Little Mushrooms!

I told Serene, "Look! Rambutans!"
And she believed me... -_-"

Nice yellow flowers.

Then she asked me to take this, saying it's nicer.

Next we went KAP McDonalds!

To have my long awaited McGriddles! =D

Simply heavenly!

I have heard alot of comments from people but yet to try it myself.
Maybe, not many ppl like it.
To me, it tastes great! =)
Try it yourself, coz diff ppl has diff taste preferences.


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