
This article is from 我报。It had been in my collection quite sometime. I had been cutting interesting articles & keeping them as part of my junk. So decided to randomly pick one to share tonight. This is one of the column I like from 我报, it's Ms Shenton's section.

Google, 我不需要多介绍,今天Ms Shenton我要介绍的,是Google大中华区负责人李开复和他提出的21世纪人才论。
李开复出生在台北,11岁时游学美国,拥有卡内基梅隆大学(Carnegie Mellon University)电脑科学博士学位,1998年7月加盟Microsoft,创立了MS亚洲研究院。2005年7月加盟Google,担任大中华区总裁一职。

1) 创新实践者







Brief translation for my English speaking friends/readers:-

Li Kai Fu, President of Google(China) mentioned in his own book, "Talents of the 21st Century", the 7 qualities a talent of 21st Century needs.

1) Realistic Creativity
The important thing is not just to be creative. The motive is not to create headlines in papers, but strive to create something that is realistic and useful to the society.

2) Cross Industries Partners
You don't have to be a person to explain deep things, you need someone with the ability to co-operate well with people of different industries and make success through the cross industries collaboration.

3) IQ need not be high
We don't need high IQ people around in this 21st Century, we need people with high integrity, smart ideas & strong team spirit.

4) People who communicate well
Those who has alot of great ideas in their head but with problems communicating is no different from someone who can't think at all. That's why we need people who can express themselves and communicate well with others.

5) Love your job
If you find a job you love, you'll be enjoying every working day of yours.

6) Be enthusiastic and proactive
Loving your job and putting in effort in your job is not enough, you need to be proactive. Bosses nowadays do not need humble employees, they need people with their own set of thinking. When you're communicating with others, promote yourself actively, show what you have got.

7) Optimistic
Half full or half empty? The main idea depends if you're pouring into or out of the glass. As long as you face each situation positively, there would bound to be a solution for it.


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