Knowing the end & treasuring it more!

Humans are weird creatures. You often hear ppl say,"If only I knew." "If I can turn back time.." "If I have a chance to make up for it.." And often than not, ppl only gt to realize wat they once had after they lost it. Then they wished they had treasured wat they had. Yet, with the things they still have, they would make the same mistake by taking things for granted.

If u noe tml is ur last day on earth, wat would u haf done? If u noe there's an end, would u treasure more b4 the deadline comes?

I would and I certainly did. But I think I had not done enuf. I would continue to do more. I knew we would be ending the way we are nw tis yr end. Alot of things abt us are nt certain & unstable. Bt bcoz I noe in the future, I can't treat her the way I do nw, all I want nw is to treat her well, treat her right. I tried my best nt to let her be sad or disappointed. Though @ times, I failed. 我要用我这有限的时间给于她我这辈子想给她的东西与感觉。

In the future, no1 noes wat will happen. Whr wld we be, who wld we end up wif, wat wld we be doing wif our lives, hw are we passing our time, when wld we leave tis world? These are qns no1 can haf a definte ans for.

Shld we really wait till we're grandpas & grandmas sitting dere telling our grandchildren wat we wished we have said or done? Are we gona tell them our deepest regrets in our lives?

I know that is not what I want. I want to be telling my grandchildren how proud I was to have done & said the right thing @ the right time & place to the right person. I want them to know the greatest pride I ever had.

As ppl said, "Live like there is no tomorrows! Dream like there is no end!" But I would like to add sth to tis. "Treasure everything you have like it would end tomorrow!"


X|oNg said…
.. ur this blog juz said everything i chatted wif her 2days ago>.<"
Anonymous said…
nice post. (=

continue to live life to the fullest *muacks*

Eagle Ivan said…
xiong, dun 4gt we're cousins, of coz we think alike! keke >.<

qi, we shall all live life to the fullest & I shall continue to post nice nice entry! haha =D
Mrs.keir said…
suddenly i felt like i kena shot by a AK47...

shooter is ivan.
Eagle Ivan said…
huh? I got shoot u meh? *blurs*

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