Our 1st Month!

Yeah! We'd make it to our 1st month finally! We didn't turned out the way others tot we wld. In fact, we had bring our r/s to a new higher level. Our love is deeper, our bonds are stronger & our faith is growing by the days!

My 4ever so swt dear has been trying v.hard to give me a surprise. And I can tell u tis time, I have absolutely no clue wat is the surprise. She's keeping her mouth tight shut no matter hw I tried to find out. I am alrd v.touched even b4 I receive the surprise she's planning. So may I ask, "How can I possibly not LOVE such a wonderful woman?"

With her, I found new confidence and strength. Though I was a confident person to start with. haha =D She taught me love that was so pure & innocent, the kind of love alot of people whom I know looks forward to. Never was I so determined to work hard for a future & build a love nest. My dear is like a pure & innocent crystal - a real beauty. Her mind is still clear just like her conscience does, her heart is kind and trusting which never doubt the lies of an ugly world and she completes my life!

Dear, HAPPY 1st Month! May we bring more love, laughter & wonderful memories to each other in the days to come! I'd given you my heart which contains my endless love for you. Trust me with your heart & give me your hands, I'll let you see wonders! I LOVE YOU!

P/S: Our secret convseration yest, "The 60% availability & 99% confidence is what makes me strong now and will keep me going in the future!"


Mrs.keir said…
oh i need to c de doc to check something else too,
maybe i shld get S to go with me also.buahahha
Eagle Ivan said…
my dear said she's aso v.swt, so mb I'll hafta go wif the 2 of u 2 chk aso..haha XD

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