Egg Feast!

My dear is the cook for 2nite! She has a marvellous idea and that is to cook dinner wif eggs as the main ingredients!

So let's see wat do we haf for dinner...

1st, there is this dish of fried long beans wif eggs.
2nd, we tried a dish we saw on a receipe book; 鸡蛋包肉碎.
3rd, dear's fave 洋葱炒蛋.

Bt I hate 洋葱! However, dear puts in alot of effort in preparing 2nite dinner, so I ate every dishes she cooks. They were delicious! And the only lucky ones beside me who get to taste my dear's cooking is my family members! Coz dear has alrd become part of my life!

That's y I said, "爱是她煮洋葱炒蛋逼你吃,而你大口大口地吞,就为了见她会心一笑!"

Tell me, hw can I possibly not love a woman like my dear? *muacks* My dear gal, I LOVE YOU!


MiZuKi said… is a wonderful dinner. The next target will be sushi or curry chicken.
Eagle Ivan said…
So ppl, u heard my cook! Who wana come & taste her cooking? Pls make an appt wif her PDA (Personal Dearest Assistant), Ivan. haha =D
X|oNg said…
i dun dare to try. i scare i cant get out of toilet for 1 whole week. LOL!!!!!
MiZuKi said… cooking is not so bad. Then I must invite you to come when I make curry. You are top on the list.
X|oNg said…
hAhA. mi is a busy guy ler. wan invite mi beri beri tough de. =X loL~~~ nyaakakak

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