My job interview!

The longest interview I ever had! 1 hr! Mb it's nth to some of u, bt all my previous interviews were nt longer than 10 mins. haha =D

Anyway, the interviewer, Christine is a v.nice & friendly lady. She's v.str8 4ward too. She told me tt I am the best candidate she interviewed & I have quite a good chance of getting in. She'll hafta get back to her boss & let me noe again next wk. Christine said she likes my attitude. The position I am filling up is an admin assistant. She's looking for some1 to go in line wif her & revamp the admin dept. Coz if she wants to inject new ideas to the co, she needs to start wif her own team & has their support 1st. And she said she needs great help in that now. The new team player would helps her wif analysis to present to the big boss too. Christine said tis is a gold pot area wif alot of things to learn as long as one is willing to. They have a flat plan concept office. They tried to maintain the least hierarchy presence, meaning they do not distinguish b/w levels tt much. There're little or no partition @ all except for the treasury dept. Well, some privacy is still required for certain depts. Oh, talking so much still yet to say the co. name. It is MOI International; a marketing & distributing firm for vegetable oils.

The job does sounds interesting. Christine asked if I think I am up to the job. I told her for my side, I think I can & is willing to take this opportunity to learn new things & face up the challenge. However, frm wat I noe, she has afew more candidates to interview. So I said who noes, she might has better ppl suitable for tis job? Her reply was, "Frankly speaking, u're 1 of the best that we have short listed. I'll give u a call in a wk time & hopefully it'll be a positive news." So let's juz cross our fingers & wait for tt call! (^^.)

P/S: Anyway, I only saw 1 guy in the office I was being interviewed. There're 5 other subsidaries co. in the whole bldg though. And my dear gf is v.worried abt the wking environment of mostly gers. haha (".) Dear, I think u're the only 1 who can see my good points. You're defintely the only one I have my eyes on & has a secure place in my heart. Don't worry that much! hehe >.< I LOVE YOU! *muacks muacks*


X|oNg said…
WOO! i wish i can work there... LOL!!!! =X MOI! MADNESS OF INSTITUTION! =X nyakakak =P
MiZuKi said…
But I still wish you all the best in getting the job. If you really get the job, the most you will need is to report to me every fifteen mintues. Ha.. To prevent you from flirting around.
Eagle Ivan said…
Whey, xiong! Anyhow say the co's name! bleah =P

Dear, if I get the job & hafta report to u every 15 mins, I think I'll be asked to leave within 15 hrs.
MiZuKi said…
*Bleah* then at least every half an hour. Hee........hee......
Anonymous said…
tag tag. all the best for ur job search. (:

Mrs.keir said…
chey...still need to report every 15mins leh..
i'm not such a worse gf afterall..hiakz hiakz..buahahaha

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