Specially for you..

I tot it was nt obvious to u, bt it turns out 2b. Sori for making u feel the way u did for the past few days. 4give me for making u lose ur temper. I dun expect u to say anything or to give me any ans. I'm glad enough that u wld nt avoid me. And dun worry, u haf my promise tt I wld nt avoid u either.
I duno hw u feel abt tis whole thing..bt if u were to ask me..all I noe is when it comes to affairs of the heart, I'd nv follow my mind..I listened to wat my heart has to say & follows it all the time..Hwever, dun be too bothered by tis whole matter..It's beyond our own ctrl..
You request for me nt to treat u too gd in fear tt u might fall for me..Gal, dun be silly..nv hold back ur true feelings..juz let it flow..There's no fault in liking some1 no matter who or wat kind of person the other party is..
I know u feel v.confused, I understand completely..Gif urself time..Tt's all I can gif u nw too.. When the time is rite, & the feelings are dere, things wld juz fall in place themselves..
If u ask me wat I want, all I want nw is 2b able to c u smile everyday, let u vent ur anger & complaints on me whenever u want to, having lunch wif u & brewing tea for u every afternoon, going out for movies wif u & stuff tt we usually do.
Even if we were 2b 2gether, things shall nt take too much of a change. All I ask for is a simple r/s wif u..Let me be ur pillar, tt's all..Whatever will come, u can't block..whatever tt wld nt happens, I can't force..(^^.)


X|oNg said…
wow..so nice~ im so jealous!! >.< u r so fateful~~ haha=P wish ya the best ^^~
Dreamystace said…
hey wat u did?? dun tell me u... wao...

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