If only she knew..

I duno whether she noes or nt..neither do I noe if I want her 2 noe I like her..
I duno wat wld happens to our friendship..There's alot of uncertainties..

Her close frenz told me it's gd to stay tis way..She said the gal is juz like my ex, she wants to settle dw asap if possible & bear her own kids..She aso mentioned tt if I confessed, the gal most likely gona avoid me & I may juz lose a frenz in the end..

Mb like wat some others said too..The gal merely treat me like any other buddies wld treat me.. She feels comfortable wif me & simply like the kind of feelings nw.. Yah, pure platonic friendship..I believe tis kind of friendship exists..juz like me & fei xing xia..

Qi said, wait & c..coz time will tell. It may turn out 2b a little crush & the feeling will go away like wat I feel for the interesting gal. There's a slim chance tt she might juz fall 4 me too.. No pt doing anything nw & risk everything we shared..

Love makes me look like a fool..


Anonymous said…
(= i wish for the best.

i want you to be happy!

because you're my dearest Brother.

X|oNg said…
hmmmmmm..let mi wish for the best oso.. i want you to be happi! becoz u my dearest cousin..aka brother~~
Mrs.keir said…
argh..who who who..who's tt? y no update me leh???

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