Killing me softly..

I'd got over my ex, miz her at times, bt nt v.often..I noe it's impossible b/w us anymore..
Tt interesting gal, it's over too..Alot of factors..I dun wish to tok abt it le aso..
Both of them are juz my history books meant 2b closed & nv 2b open again..

Bt I fall into anor pit, nw it's still shallow..Haiz, bt somehow, I'm afraid I'm digging it deeper myself..This shallow pit may end up being my own grave..I really duno..
V.confused over my feelings..Felt so vexed whenever I tink abt it..I'm nt flickle minded, nt at all..I dun fall in & out of love like it seems I juz nid 2c the need for me to pull out of it & I'll do so..

This new character of my book..Like my poly mate, when ppl told me I wld like her 1 day..I didn't even gif it a 2nd thought..
I duno, I really duno..She doesn't belongs to my world..
I wish I can be like my frenz who's happy juz by enjoying the presence of her admirer & knowing they can nv be 2gether..ARGH!

She's pure & innocent..been hurt by love in the past..She's juz like a vunerable puppy; an easily breakable crystal..I can't bear to cause any injuries or damage to her little heart..I dun dare to even do things obvious enuf to let her noe herself tt I like her..I'm afraid she might juz start to avoid me like my sec sch crush..The most impt thing is I'm scared of hurting her like hw I hurt my ex..

I want 2b her companion, hold her hands & nv 2 let her fall, protect her in watever ways I can..Which is y I can't afford to haf her avoid me..Coz if she does, I can't even get near her, hw to take care of her?

This kind of feelings is killing me softly & slowly every day & night..


X|oNg said…
ivan ge ge~ dun broad about the past and dun think too much for the future..juz do wad ur heart ask u to do^^ tat's wad u written in the past rite? and yet u forgot everything about it @@? doesnt seems like u whom can remember things well^^~ juz noe wad's ur goal for ur future, and strive for it~ wif ur determination, u sure will succeed de^^~ xiong xiong will always support ya! gambateh!(means jia you) XD
Anonymous said…
xiong, gambatte wrong spelling! =p

anyway, ivan ah~

firstly i must really scream at you, "WHY NEVER SHARE???" you know sharing means alot to me la... so you better tell me what else have you been keeping from me.

hmmmmm, just take care la. there're some things which i think is better for me to tell you in person. (=

*loves, qi

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