Count on LOVE!

Monday, 10/10/2005 - 爱是唯一!

As long as LOVE residues in one's heart, miracles can happens. A mum can run faster than the fastest runner in the world juz to save her falling kid frm 4th storey. In anor part of the world, anor mum can lift up a car to release her kid trapped under the wheels. It's all bcoz of the love the mums haf for their kids. With love, there're sacrifices too. In v.poor c'tries, when there's lack of food available, parents were seen cutting off their own skinny meat for their kids. These are all parts & parcels of love.

Pan Mei Chen once asked, "If some1 tries to stab u with a knife, would ur partner try to snatch the knife of the attacker or block the knife with his body for you?" To her, which I agree, during tt instant, our sub-conscious is at work, so if our partners shield the knife for us, they truly love us. However, it doesn't mean that the ones who tried to snatch the knife away don't care abt us. They merely like us. Humans tend to mixed up the feelings of love & like. Bt it's unavoidable. Coz LIKE & LOVE is a thin border line case too.


X|oNg said…
onli stupid ppl will get stabbed..wakaka~ if u can snatch y not snatch? better than getting stab^^~ snatch le and stab tat person back!! =DD

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