The diff kind of sorries.

Over the wkends, I was having lunch with my mum & sis at CWP's foodcourt. An unpleasant incident at the foodcourt initiated a discussion b/w me & my sis.

Just where has S'poreans' manners go to? Or, is it they no longer teach "Good Citizens aka 好公民" in schs anymore? Perhaps, they really don't. Coz I've left sch since so long ago, syllabus prob has changed.

But still, y aren't some of these ppl taught basic manners? Education levels of Singaporeans are going up, yet our consideration level has remain an all time low.

Then, after lunch, we went separate ways to run some errands. Going down the escalator was a BIG nightmare. I HATE ppl who stand in the middle of the escalators or couples who hold hands and blocked the whole passage way. Wat's so diff with remembering the KEEP TO YOUR LEFT rule?!

I'm nt saying like couples can't hold hands or parents can't hold the kids' hands on the escalator. But, can u have the basic manners to stand on the left with one on top & the other on the bottom step? It won't kill u juz for that few seconds of nt standing beside ur partner, rite?

I'm nt being jealous that others are a couple. My ex gf(s) wld have known better. When I go out with them, even when we're holding hands, I make sure we keep to the left & not block other ppl's way.

Readers of my blog, here's juz a gentle reminder, "Stand on the left, walk on the right." It is really just that simple. Try to rem it for every1's convenience. What goes ard comes ard; if u ever missed an impt date, interview, or even to the very extreme, can't get 2c ur loved one for the last time coz some inconsiderate ppl were blocking ur way & caused u 2 miss the train/bus heading to the hospital (though we prob wld have took a cab), u'll noe wat I mean.

And yah, sorry was the main topic I have wanted to comment.

Though saying sorry would not:-
1) Undo the hurt u've done
2) Make that toe u've accidentally stepped on any less painful
3) Cool the other person down IMMEDIATELY

It's still IMPORTANT to at least say SORRY. It won't even cost a cent or make u drop 1 more strand of hair, but sometimes, it's all it takes to salvage a situation.

Was chatting with a friend on some stuff. And she being the typical lady, agrees that MAN shall always be the 1st to apologize when they ended up in an argument with any ladies REGARDLESS if u're right or wrong.

The ugly truth is with my countless encounters/experience with ladies, I hate to but have to agree that it's the only way out.

First, you apologize but don't explain a thing. Coz it'll only put u in a defensive mode which is not wat the ladies are looking for. Then when she cools down, tell her why u apologize. If she's a reasonable gal & think it thru to realize it's prob her fault, she might just say sorry as well. That's when u can try to explain the earlier situation to her. BUT, dun make it sounds as if it's ALL her fault or u'll end up in anor quarrel. Juz tell her y u did/say/feel the way u just did. That's it, end of story.

Make it up & have peace. v(^_^)o

This post is pretty random, but I just need to rant as usual. =P


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