Celebrities' Fever!!

Time flies, angelic Xu Wei Lun(天使许玮伦) has left planet Earth for 3 yrs. My post for her 3 yrs back when I first got news of her departure can be found here . For those who want to know more abt her, check out the website setup by her die hard fans. She lives forever in the hearts of her fans. =) On a lighter note, there're 2 concerts in Apr 2010 which I want SO MUCH to go!!! Love Mi World Tour!! Based on my own experience, I have expected her to be here this year. True enough, she'll be holding her "Love Mi World Tour" concert in Sg on 2nd Apr 2010!! I've been to her previous concerts and I can tell you, there's nowhere better than the stage she shld belong! v(^_^)o Would I be able to win her concert tixs like the previous years? Let's pray hard & I mean VERY hard. My winning luck with tixs have deteriorated recently. =( *sulks* S.H.E is the One World Tour - 《爱而为一》!! I'm looking forward to attend this concert as well. But I never like to buy concer...