The Ugly Truth about "Walking Out"

Have you ever been walk out on?
Or have you ever walk out on someone else?

Had dinner with my wives & anor colleague last night; learnt valuable lessons from the gossip session. So, here I am sharing with you a summary of what I've learnt.

My dear bros, listen up!
From the mouths of the experienced female lovers who shared with me, "Guys should never be the one to walk out on girls."

When a couple broke up in an argument, a REAL MAN should never walk out on his gal. IF the guy walk away & leave the gal chasing after him, it ONLY means that guy would not take good care of her when they get married.

To female readers, if a guy does that to you even when u're just in courtship, IMAGINE wat wld happen when you get married?

1 of my "lecturers" last nite said, "This kind of guy might even turn VIOLENT against you when you're married."

BUT a gal has ALL the rights to walk out on the guy when they have an argument. Then the guy has to go after her. Coz that might just be the reason why some gals choose to walk away; they want to ensure that this guy they just had an argument with still cares for her. Whatever is the reason, it doesn't matter; bros, just go after her. 他还不懂,离开是为了被挽留。(Direct translation : What he don't understand, I leave so that I wld be asked not to.)

What if the gal gets on a tpt & leave? Call her! It's the same logic. The gal might nt ans the phone as she's still HOT after the argument but at least she knows YOU still care for her! Call a few more times & if she really don't pick up, text her to apologize & ask if she cld juz inform u when she has reached home safely.

All in all, what gals want perhaps is really very simple in this case - They just want to know that we men still care no matter what has happened. =)

Anor take home quotes from 1 of my "lecturers":-
1) 你现在正在吵的事,是不是真的需要吵?
(Direct translation : The issue which you're arguing on now, is there a must to really argue on it?)
2) 他对你的好都是应该的,他对你不好是他不应该。
(Direct translation : Treating you nice is what he should do, ill-treating you is what he shouldn't do.)


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