The Ugly Truth about "Being Loved"!

First & foremost, let me wish my 2 irreplaceable sisters, "HAPPY BIRTHDAY TWINNEYS!"

Whatever happens, we'll stay together.
Ohana means "No1 gets left out or forgotten."

My little sister, Aunt Shannon is forever so proud that she shares the same b'day as Mickey.
So I'm using Mickey & Minnie wallpaper for my "The Ugly Truth" session.

18th Nov 1928 - Mickey cartoons were first shown on TV.

Today's session is more of an open discussion for my dear readers.

Recently, I heard sth from a lady friend & other ladies who were at the same table sort of agree to what the lady friend said. Now, I want to hear from you. =)

She mentioned, "A guy can sense which girl likes/loves him & needs his attention. Then it's up to him to make the decision whether to reciprocate the feelings. A girl likes/loves everyone around her just as much as she wants everyone around her to like/love her as well. A girl ENJOYS being liked/loved."

Eagle Ivan's point of view? I don't know about other guys & girls.

In the past, family & friends around me see me as a devoted, loyal, faithful lover who's pretty dumb when it comes to love. I fell blindly in love & did stupid things for the one I love.

Now, the similar group of ppl + new friends I've made see me as someone who falls in love easily. To them, I easily fall in love & get hurt but recovers fast enough to change another target.

At 1st, I was pretty bothered by what this group of very close ppl to me think. Till 1 random day, 1 of my wives told me, "清者自清"。So, I gave up trying to explain wat kind of person I am. As long as I truly know who I am, it's all that matters.

How do I think/see of myself in love den?

I would like to think that from the past to now, I've not change much of my viewpoints & character in love. I'm still one who devote whole heartedly in a r/s. Perhaps, opening up to ppl ard me more than I used to do(a shy boy who just look @ fish during recess in his pri sch days) makes me seems like I'm too easy going with alot of girls. I still believe every guy should treat every girl around them with care no matter we like them or not.

BUT, when it comes to the girl we like, we treat them extra nice. If not, how do they feel special?

However, another lady friend once told me, "It's pretty hard to feel your SPECIAL niceness to the girl you like coz u're alrd treating everyone so nice. You're just like my ex who treated everyone so nice that I always complained I don't feel enough love. Come to think of it, now that I think back, my ex really did love me alot when we were tgt back den."

I'm loved by my precious family & cherished friends.

Even if in the end, I still end up being alone, I can still SMILE & say, I'm HAPPY with this group of ppl ard me. They have left beautiful footprints in my life.

I'm still trying to be the perfect Mr Nice Guy.
No one is perfect & I want to be no one. =)


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