Qi, Shannon & XY's B'days!

22nd Nov 2009 - Had a b'day dinner celebration for Qi, Shannon & XY at YX's place!
Ordered Canadian Pizza & packed some Malay food from WoodGrove Al-meen!

Simple celebration with the combination of GREAT food & WONDERFUL companions!

BKA Papa with his lovely daughters, 真, 超 & 太 KAs!


Getting ready to attack home made cakes by Qi!

Doing the presents presentation!

Qi with her Charles & Keith tote bag.
Blur yx cut away price tag but left receipt in bag!

Aunt Shannon & her Secret Wish perfume!

XY with her ALL-TIME FAVE idol, Jay Chou's DVD!

YX with her cap from Esprit!

Eagle Ivan wana change his hp's thumbnails.

So he got his daughters to take individual photos with him!

The doggies wana be in it too!

Now I have new thumbnails to your contacts!
Coz they complained they look ___ (fill in ur own blanks) in their previous thumbnails.


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