B'day Wishes Rec'd!

I wish, I wish upon 1 of my FAVE b'day cake!
And I super love this photo after so many years!

I've been saying this e'yr & I meant it frm the bottom of my heart. I need no fancy or expensive gifts, neither do I need a sumptuous meal. I just need 2 know you remember my b'day & care enough to drop me a msg, it can brighten up my WHOLE DAY!

Oh, and I think 27th Aug is the ONLY day I wun "SCREW" u upside down or grumble on my side tt u msged @ the WRONG time. haha *lol* (Even when it's 4am in the morning!)

The msgs are still coming in. Thanks to all who plays a part in making this day WONDERFUL right from this moment!

I've got ur wishes, my dear family & friends! A VERY BIG Thank You to one & all! Keeping track of my blessed wishes. . .

Through HP:-
1) Jy who sent me her wishes when my hp's time still shows 2355 on 26th Aug 2009, but it's the thoughts that count.
2) Serene who was on the phone with me said it's nt fair coz Jy nv send after 12am. Anyway, this K-Queen sang 3 versions of Happy B'day song(eng, chi & canto) over the phone for me. Appreciate that! And she followed up with anor sms.
3) Lyn & Mum - A simple Happy Birthday is enough to warm this little heart of mine! Thank You!
4) Qiqi - who suans me on being old sch who STILL stays up to send b'day smses @ 12am. So she did the same thing for me. =) Thx to SP too!
5) Cyn - Who was sending sms with semi eyes open & alrd lying on bed, I supp.
6) Jie - Who loves & miss me so much just like I do!!
7) Ping - I was surprised & touched tt she:- i) remembered, ii) sent me a msg after 12am when she alwiz slp early, iii) texted me an eng-chi combined msg for some1 who has difficulties communicating with 潘美 in chi.
8) Sandy - My b'day twin @ SDC! Same b'day just tt she's 2 yrs younger than me.
9) Jiaxiu - My wonderful 阿呆!
10) Godma - She sent me a MMS with a monkey singing b'day song! SUPER CUTE de!
11) CL aka yt - Yes, u're always 34days younger than me & don't worry, our communication wld nt break down b'coz of that! =) Love ya!
12) Siew Ying - Seriously, I'm touched that this long time friend rems my b'day e'yr. But. . .
13) Shuwen - 1 of those frenz I seldom meet but kept close to the heart.
14) Sy - Thanks for the wishes, gal! I don't mind sharing my wishes with you. Pls take care of urself & be happy always no matter wat happens. (^^,)
15) Jack - My temp colleague @ SDC, also my fellow schoolmate @ Kaplan. Hope u'll pass your exams with FLYING COLORS & graduate soon!!
16) Yaya - U're not late lah. Still my b'day mah. =)
17) Bike bro, Xiong - Yes, I'm an Uncle. So are u, coz u're zy's Uncle too!
18) Jo - We still have an outstanding combined b'day dinner. Yes, I've not forgotten. Don't worry.
19) 2nd aunt - When ur aunties started being IT savvy, isn't it a blessing @ times?
20) Devi - The best receptionist I've met in all the companies I worked in so far. She's always stuffing me with GOOD food yet saying I'm making her put on weight with the tidbits I've stored up.
21) 情妇, hx - I always knew she's only putting a front to tease me with other 5G1U ladies. Her pte msg of me being CUTE & LOVABLE nearly makes Lyn vomit out her lunch she had with me. 22) My 女人,xy - It's still my b'day, so u're not late yet!! =) I hope u wld come to feel TRUE HAPPINESS real soon, yah? Better go "chk up" b4 the "discount" is out! haha =P
23) Dawn - A friend who lives so near & e'time we said wana meet up to "lah kopi" but nv do so. *touched* to rec'd a call from you simply to wish me HAPPY BIRTHDAY! =)
24) Vera - My 6th wife who only treats me gentler over sms. haha =P

1) Serene - Duno 2 say if she's kiasu or 有心 to wish me Happy B'day e'whr. Sing over phone, text me an sms & msg me in MSN. haha =P Thanks though!
2) Shannon - Who tried doing a video call with me so she can wish me Happy B'day, though I can't hear a thing. Saw the hand make VERY BIG card with my name on it, can't wait 2c it tml!
3) Siyun(Shirleen) - My youngest wife who popped by to send her wishes. =)
4) Marlon - Thx for remembering too! (^^,)

Email, blog & Taggies:-
1) Qiqi - She juz wana be the first to wish me HAPPY BIRTHDAY everywhere! But u missed Facebook & Friendster? haha =P
2) My dearest daughters, xiao yun, yaya & may may! Can't wait 2 meet up on the 5th!
3) Diane - my 3rd wife, who always say the "most mean" words to me infront of other wives.

1) Siyun(Shirleen)
2) Elthea
3) Jie
4) Yaya
5) Serene
6) Cheryl
7) 2nd aunt
8) Gerald
9) Veneta
10) Dave
11) Naziah
12) B'day twin, Sandy
13) Darling zhuyin
14) My buddy, pilot tan! I think he quits "flying" recently. =P But, that's gd!

Time check: 12.37am, 09.32am, 03.16pm (Other msges rec'd after that 2b updated again)
P/S: I certainly hope I didn't miss out anyone. =P I'm sorry if I do.


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