G.I.Joe is coming to SDC!!! v(^_^)o Wohoo!

G.I.Joe - The Rise Of Cobra!

You have been asking & now, it's finalized! v(^_^)o
G.I.Joe would be released on 6th Aug 2009, Thurs in none other than SDC - Singapore Discovery Centre!! (The downside is we won't be getting the 3D version.)

HOWEVER, the best part is, like I've been advertising every now & then, "Where can you get to watch BLOCK BUSTER movies on a five-storey high screen with tixs costing only $3.50 on any days of the week?!" It has gota be SDC's iWerks Theatre!

06 & 07 Aug 09
11.15am - 01.05pm
02.10pm - 4.00pm
06.00pm - 7.50pm

08 Aug 09 onwards
11.20am - 01.10pm
02.20pm - 4.10pm
06.20pm - 08.10pm

Note: SDC's theatre DO NOT have commercials, we start shows on time. So pls be seated before screening time. =)
Warning: It's really PITCH DARK when the lights are off, u won't be able to find good seats once the show starts.

Instructions to order tixs(thru Ivan, of coz):-
Our movie tixs can only be purchased & printed on the day of the movie itself, so no advance purchase can be done.
If you're coming on wkdays, pls reach SDC by 5.30pm & just give me a call when u're here.
(Do take note that I'm on leave on 27th, 28th & 31st Aug + 04 Sep 09.)

If you're coming on wkends, do let me noe in ADVANCE as I need to find out which of my colleagues would be on duty & I need to let them noe how many of you are coming so they can assist me in selling you the tixs @ a discount price of $3.50! =)

*edited - timeslot inserted*


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