25th Birthday Celebration with KA!

Simple birthday celebration over BK bfast. Though simple, it was fabulous! =) Qi & Yaya with the tissue given by Yaya! BKA wants a share too. Candid! This is how u repay some1 when u rec'd a gift frm them. =) Yaya, YX & Shannon with their little gifts. Earrings from YX & the Minnie mouse key chain from Shannon. I got sth diff this time! A syringe malt sugar. =P Then it's present opening time! I was so happy to receive this. Totally didn't expected tis time. =) A group shot! Ey, what are all this colorful oval things? We were all surprised! Coz even the one who went to buy didn't know it looks like this. So, must pose with our Mickeys' heads! Just when I was opening a sample... These 2 in red hid the Mickeys' heads they're holding after taking this photo. Notti gers of mummy! =P BUT, they very nicely gave back to me... So presenting to you my, "Disney Tomica Collection Vol 2"! My gifts contributors! Special thanks to Yaya who went all th...