重点介绍 - Shino's 第壹章

Shut myself in the room, closed my eyes, doing nothing at all...
I listened to this album 3 times.

The 1st time, I listened to find out the different types of songs there are in this album.
It's a Pandora's box with beautiful colors that filled the sky like a rainbow does.

The 2nd time I paid attention to the lyrics to understand the stories behind each song.
Different people have different feelings coming to them when listening to the same song.
It's not important if others feel the same as you, it is how you feel that matters.

The 3rd time I listened, I feel each beat of the song accompanied with the lyrics. Emotions that filled me were beyond what words can describe.

Many of you get to know Shino through the famous song, 心动.
But what many of you don't know or have yet to experience is that her songs give you the feeling of more than 心动 itself.
Whether you like the 抒情 or 摇滚 Shino, indulge yourself in this album.
Be entertained, enlightened and encouraged in any areas you need.

As I've said, if you asked me to give you a fair review of how good/bad this album is, I can't.
But all I can do is to share how I feel after listening to this album.

1) 幸 (xi ya wa sei yo)
Been busy with life for too long? It's time to put a stop to these. Get yourself out of the house. Be it coffee with friends or a short get away. Just do it!

2) 唱我的歌
In life, we have different motivation. It maybe someone, something or a result we desired. When you feel like giving up, remind yourself of your motivation. You would find the strength to go on.

3) 不要紧
So what if you've been dumped or just got out of love? Life is not just about love. Shake off the dust & throw away the past. From now on, life is going to get better. Come what may, it doesn't matter. Just continue to hold your head up and keep walking!

4) 暗夜天使
When the world seems to go against you and nothing seems to go your way. When you feel life has been stagnant for too long, perhaps you need a new beginning. Do it with this song.

5) 停损点
He/she has fallen for someone else. The beautiful love story you were in has a new character. Slowly, you looked at it only as an outsider. You know not what to do, then just cry your heart out. Time would heal all wounds.

6) 宝藏
Imagine blue sky, white clouds on a vast green field. The wind is blowing, close your eyes. How do you feel? Relax your mind, spread your hands & feel the surroundings. In a peaceful state, you'll find the treasure you have been looking for.

7) 什么
What's a better way to de-stress than listening to songs that you can vent your anger out with? Are you pissed or vexed recently? Get down with Shino and shout it all out with this song!

8) 充气娃娃
How many times in life we do certain things for others? We do our best not to let others down and ended up beat tired ourselves. We can never do enough to satisfy others. So stop doing just that & start living for yourself!

9) B612 星球 相信童话
Be it self-denial or self-assured, we just need to keep believing. When all hopes are lost, believe that fairy tales exist. Everything would be fine and a beautiful ending would always be there.

10) Pray
Crossroads are common in life. Everyone needs directions but we may not always find one. No matter what religions you have, keep praying with your heart. As long as you are sincere, God would cast a light in the right direction for you.


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